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Brandon J. Sapp
u/s Orpheus

At Writers Theatre: Eurydice

Brandon J. Sapp is making his Writers Theatre debut as Orpheus (Understudy). Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, he received his B.F.A in Acting from Northern Illinois University and intensively studied under Sanford Meisner’s acting method. Most recent theatre credits include: The October Storm by Joshua Allen at Raven Theatre in Chicago, IL, Trouble in Mind by Alice Childress at Timeline Theatre in Chicago, IL, A Midsummer Night’s Dream at Ohio Shakespeare Festival in Akron, OH, Romeo and Juliet, Tubman Road to Freedom, and A Christmas Carol at Great Works Theatre in Chicago, IL. He is represented by Gray Talent Group. Brandon is extremely appreciative of being apart of a reputable piece of work explored in a unique way.



[Bio as of August 2023]