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The Women's Library Club of Glencoe

The Woman's Library Club of Glencoe shares the space at the theatre center holding meetings, luncheons, book clubs, bridge and other events at the building.

  • The Woman's Library Club of Glencoe, a 501(c)3 organization, was incorporated on April 18, 1872. The WLC owns the land on which the WT theatre center sits and has provided use of the land to WT without charge.
  • WLC is the third oldest woman's club in Illinois for philanthropic, educational and social endeavors. The WLC book collection was donated to Glencoe to form the nucleus of the original library for Glencoe. WLC's first building was used as a library until the current Glencoe Public Library was built.
  • WLC members meet regularly to pursue the Club's philanthropic, intellectual and social activities. For a full list of WLC activities and a current calendar, check the WLC website.

Membership in the Woman's Library Club of Glencoe is open to all women interested in furthering the club's goals. The current membership consists of over 120 women living in 10 area suburbs. If you are interested in becoming a member, pick up an application in the Writers Theatre lobby, email wlcglencoe@gmail.com or visit the website at wlcglencoe.com.