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ASHLEY PUCKETT GONZALES is honored to be trusted with Manic Monologues. As a performer, she appeared at theatres across the country including Madison Square Gardens and The Kennedy Center and has been fortunate enough to make her living in the arts for the better part of 20 years now. After years living and working in NYC, Ashley decided to more fully explore her voice as a director. She has been Director or Associate Director for shows in all levels of the theatrical strata from children’s theatre to Off Broadway. Here in DFW, she is especially proud of WTT’s I Am My Own Wife, and Violet at Firehouse Theatre. Ashley is also a proud mama to a neurodiverse kiddo, wife to a crazy talented husband and founder of Gideon’s Feet, a 501c3 helping Artists in times of crisis. Instagram @gideons_feet or on Facebook. Alli, You are a rock star. Thank you to all the company, especially to my chosen family who were pressed into service. Thanks mom for keeping the gremlin so I can play art.