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Rebekah is honored to be a part of this incredible production team and cast! This show hits close to home as she has personally dealt with depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Previously seen at WaterTower Theatre in The Bridges of Madison County (Pit Singer), this is her debut at WaterTower on the production side of the table. As a local singer/songwriter, she enjoys performing music around Dallas while also being a piano and voice instructor. Her piano instrumentals “Hello Sun” and “Song For Sleep” were created out of her struggles with mental health as a way to fight back and bring peace in the chaos. She would like to thank Ashley, Pam, Elizabeth, and the WaterTower creative team for this opportunity. Thanks also goes to God, her family, Vonda, Mark, and her incredible parents for always supporting her musical endeavors. To those struggling, may you find peace. www.RebekahPrim.com @rebekahprim.music Romans 13:8