Amira Al Amin is a queer playwright based in the Midwest, working furtively towards the production of genuine queer stories told through the perspective of new adults. Through prose fiction and playwriting, Amira aims to create characters that embrace their queerness in ways that are holistic and relatable to the audiences that view them and has done so through her experience with college theater at George Washington University. Her credits, primarily through 14th Grade Players, include Rumors, The Misanthrope, and Rent (Forbidden Planet Productions). Her first one-act, They Don't Get It, was a piece inspired by the lack of authentic dialogue in contemporary theater. She directed the one-act in the fall of 2024 at the aforementioned university and has been writing romantic queer fiction ever since. Amira was the 2023-24 playwright for Youth Playwright Theatre's Young Playwright in Progress, in which her full-length play Dresses That Twirl underwent a development process that culminated in a professional stage reading. From that experience, she learned how crucial collaboration is towards enriching the creative process and plans to center this in her future endeavors.