× Fall Teen Ensemble Summer Ensemble 2025 Season 45 Plays Donate Now! Scene Study for Actors Play Practice
Playwright Podcast

Real de Asua found inspiration for this play in her own experiences, particularly the many evenings she spent watching Sex and the City with her grandmother. Through these moments, she discovered that “older women are absolutely wild, and more often than not…they’re portrayed as doddering, or weak or feeble, and that’s just not my experience of the older women that I meet. I’ve often found that the older we get the more we become the truest and most honest and extreme versions of ourselves, like there’s a peeling away and eroding that happens over time. So, it’s in part that, and it’s in part that I’m a surfer and that I’ve surfed my entire life and I can’t tell you how many first surf lessons I’ve taken.”

thanks to WNY SOUNDSTAGE from Buffalo Rising