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Casey Boriskie*

is excited to join the Zach team once again! Selected previous credits include: ZACH: Cinderella (ASM), and ROE (ASM); REGIONAL: Dragons Love Tacos (PSM), The FutureNow Festival: Antigonick, A Sunday In Sodom/A Parsifal, and The Apollo of Bellac (ASM), and School Girls or, The African Mean Girls Play (ASM) at the Hangar Theatre; Senior Living (ASM); I and You (ASM); and Searching for Mr. Moon (ASM) at Portland Stage UNIVERSITY: Spring Awakening (ASM); Red Bike (PSM); blu (PSM); The Survivors-Los Sobrevivientes (ASM); & TEDx Texas State University (SM) ADDITONAL CREDITS: BFA in Performance & Production with a Concentration in Stage Management and a Minor in Honors Studies from Texas State University. Casey would like to thank her family, friends, and Cousintown for providing constant love, support, and laughter!