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Your generosity amplifies the conservatory’s mission to educate, engage and inspire. Become a Friend of the Conservatory with a designated gift and support an area of your choice. Gifts at every level are important and appreciated!

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Scholarships & Planned Giving

In addition to the ongoing support provided by Dean’s Circle membership and Friends of the Conservatory, there are many ways you can support our students and initiatives. To learn more about creating a scholarship, making a planned gift, endowing a faculty position, or underwriting our renowned Conservatory Performs series please speak with a member of our Advancement team. These are major gifts that transform performing arts experiences for Shenandoah University, Winchester, the region and beyond.

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To learn more about other ways you can make a transformative gift to Shenandoah Conservatory visit www.su.edu/performs/support or contact:

Kristol Bond
Director of Individual Giving, Shenandoah University
kristol.bond@su.edu |  (540) 545-7252

Shenandoah University is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.