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Image for Morning Worship
Morning Worship
July 03, 2021
Organ Prelude


Florence Price (1887)

Call to Worship

Leader:  The voice of God resounds upon the water.

Circle:  The Spirit of the Lord hovers over the stream.

Leader:  The Son of God is named, “Beloved.”

Circle:  And all who worship shout out, “Glory!”

Leader: Ascribe to the Lord majesty and strength.

Circle:  Let us worship God in holy splendor!

Gathering Hymn

Holy, holy, holy!  Lord God Almighty! 

tune: Nicaea
(James Bacchus Dykes 1861)

Holy, holy, holy!  Lord God Almighty!

Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee.

Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty,

God in Three Persons, blessed Trinity!

Holy, holy, holy!  All the saints adore thee,

casting down their golden crowns

around the glassy sea;

Cherubim and seraphim falling down before thee,

who wert, and art, and evermore shalt be.

Holy, holy, holy!  Lord God Almighty!

All thy works shall praise thy name

in earth and sky and sea.

Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty,

God in Three Persons, blessed Trinity!  Amen!

Reginald Heber, c. 1820, altered

Call to Confession

Leader: God loves us and calls us each by a name.
Knowing we are eternally forgiven and infinitely loved,
let us boldly confess our sins before God.

(Isaiah 43: 1)

Prayer of Confession

All: We are precious in your sight,
yet we often forget that we are your beloved.
We confess that our love is fickle and inconstant.

We follow selfish goals
and deny that our way of life harms others and

hurts your world.

We are sorry and we want to change.
Create in us a clean heart,
strengthen our resolve,
reconcile us one to another,
and bless us with your peace.  Amen.  

  (Isaiah 43:4; Luke 3:22)

Declaration of Forgiveness


Beloved, God forgives your sins;
Know that you are pardoned
And be at peace to love the Lord and serve the world. 


Listen, Sweet Dove

Grayston Ives, 1977

Listen sweet dove unto my song,

And spread thy golden wings in me;

Hatching my tender heart so long,

Till it get wing and flie away with thee.


Such glorious gifts thou didst bestow

The earth did like a heav’n appeare,

The starres were coming down to know

If they might mend their wages and serve here.


The sunne which once did shine alone,

Hung down his head and wisht for night,

When he beheld twelve sunnes for one

Going about the world and giving light.


Lord though we change thou art the same,

The same sweet God of love and light:

Restore this day for thy great name,

Unto his ancient and miraculous right.

  George Herbert, 1633

Pastoral Prayer and Intercessions

Good and gracious God…

O God, on this day we offer special intercessions for…

And on this July 4th, we offer a special “Both/And” prayer for our nation…

The Prayer Jesus taught

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our 

trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us;  
and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. 

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever  

and ever.  Amen.


Come down, O Love Divine 

Down Ampney
Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1906


Come down, O Love Divine;

seek out this soul of mine,

and visit it with your own ardor glowing.

O comforter, draw near;

within my heart appear,

and kindle it, your holy flame bestowing.

O let it freely burn,

till earthly passions turn

to dust and ashes in its heat consuming.

And let your glorious light

shine ever on my sight,

and clothe me round, the while my path illuming.

And so the yearning strong,

with which the soul will long,

shall far outpass the power of human telling.

For none can guess God’s grace,

till Love creates a place

wherein the Holy Spirit makes a dwelling.

Bianco da Siena, c. 1367
trans. Richard Frederick Littledale, 1867

Invitation to the Offertory

As people who have passed through the waters of baptism,

Let us make our grateful offering to God our Redeemer.

Let us pray:


Prayer of Thanksgiving

O God, at his baptism,

you acknowledged Jesus as your beloved Son,

And through him you opened to us a way

to become your children by grace.

May these gifts we return to you

be a sign of our dedication to live

as your faithful daughters and sons,

born in the waters of baptism by the power of the Holy  

Spirit; through Jesus Christ we pray.  Amen.


I Will Make a Way! 

Tom Trenney, 2018

Behold! I will do a new thing!

Everything old has passed away.

See, everything old has become new.

I will make a way in the wilderness.

I will make rivers in the desert.

Do not remember the former things

or consider the ways of old.

The wild animals will honor me,

the jackals and ostriches,

for I give water in the wilderness;

the desert shall be a pool.

(Based on Isaiah 43:19-20, and 2 Corinthians 5:17)


The Rev. Dr. Zina Jacque, Community Church of Barrington, Illinois


Praise God from whom all blessings flow,

Praise God all creatures here below,

Praise God above ye heavenly host,

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.  Amen.

Scripture Reading

Isaiah 43:1-2, 19a;  Acts 2:1-3

Reader:  Marnette Perry


The Rev. Dr. Zina Jacque, Community Church of Barrington, Illinois

Closing Hymn

American Folk Melody

How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,

is laid for your faith in God’s excellent Word!

What more can be said than to you God hath said,

to you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?


“When through the deep waters I call thee to go,

the rivers of sorrow shall not overflow;

for I will be near thee, thy troubles to bless,

and sanctify to thee thy deepest distress.”


“When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie,

my grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply;

the flame shall not hurt thee, I only design

thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.”


“The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose,

I will not, I will not desert to its foes;

that soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,

I’ll never, no, never, no, never forsake.”

  John Rippon’s A selection of Hymns, 1787


Benediction Response

John Stainer


Toccato [sic] from Suite for Organ

Florence Price

Today's Preacher
Today's Reader

The arrangements of flowers on the platform are given …

… in loving memory of former Chautauqua President Samuel M. Hazlett and his wife, Mary Emma Baxter Hazlett, by their grateful grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren in the Hazlett, Jacobs, and Talbot clan.

… in loving memory of Helen and Paul Sample, Mathilda Munroe Klaus, Robert Lee Munroe, Susan Allison, Rebecca Heinz Lytle, and Charles Heinz Lytle, by their families.

… in loving memory of Katherine King Karslake, Frank Gookin Karslake, Donald King Karslake, Gerald Bulley White, and Joan Karslake Beauchamp, by their families.

… in loving memory of Mary L. Woodworth, Betty Woodworth Pickens, Richard W. Pickens, Mayre Pickens Springer, grandmother, mother, father, and sister of Patricia Canup and Francie Pickens Oliver.

The Samuel M. and Mary E. Hazlett Memorial Fund provides support for this week’s chaplaincy and worship services.

Join us tonight at 8 p.m., here in the Amp, for “Sacred Song,” in the tradition of our Sacred Song Service, including music dear to Chautauquans for generations.