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Image for National Geographic Live | Ronan Donovan: Social by Nature
National Geographic Live | Ronan Donovan: Social by Nature
October 24, 2022 | 7:30pm
About the Show

What’s a human? We are, at our core, social mammals. We build relationships, communicate, reproduce, establish territories, and adapt to shrinking resources. In these ways, we’re no different than other social mammals. Chimpanzees, wolves, and gorillas are among the most charismatic of the mammals we know. We identify with them as species, groups, and even as named individuals. They’re also under threat. Join biologist-turned-photographer Ronan Donovan as he talks about his work in documenting these animals and what we, as fellow social mammals, can learn from them.

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Bert & Candace Forbes

Jim Conway in Memory of Cheryl Conway

Jane Gersten in memory of Roy Gersten

Tonya & Bob Omdahl

Carol Williams