Modesto Symphony Orchestra Association
Friday, April 11, 2025, 7:30 pm
Saturday, April 12, 2025, 7:30 pm
Gallo Center for the Arts, Mary Stuart Rogers Theater
Daniel Bartholomew-Poyser, conductor
Modesto Symphony Youth Orchestra, side-by-side
Three Preludes (1926)
- Allegro ben ritmato e deciso
- Andante con moto
- Agitato
Carnival of the Animals (1886)
- Introduction et marche royale du lion (Introduction and Royal March of the Lion)
- Poules et coqs (Hens and Roosters)
- Hémiones (animaux véloces) (Wild Asses (Swift Animals))
- Tortues (Tortoises)
- L'Éléphant (The Elephant)
- Kangourous (Kangaroos)
- Aquarium
- Personnages à longues oreilles (Characters with Long Ears)
- Le Coucou au fond des bois (The Cuckoo in the Depths of the Woods)
- Volière (Aviary)
- Pianistes (Pianists)
- Fossiles (Fossils)
- Le cygne (The Swan)
- Final (Finale)
Four Dance Episodes from Rodeo (1943)
- Buckaroo Holiday
- Corral Nocturne
- Hoe-Down*
- Saturday Night Waltz
*featuring members of the Modesto Symphony Youth Orchestra
The MSO acknowledges with gratitude the following donors and sponsors whose generosity allows the orchestra to reach new heights in music and education. With your continued support, we are making a difference together and enriching the lives of our community, one note at a time.
For our full listing and more information about how you can give the gift of music to our community visit