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Image for Transylvanian Jazz
Transylvanian Jazz
October 17 at 7:30pm | Samford Brock Hall

Folk Songs from Bartok Field Recordings

Poor is my Heart, 1912

Stick Dance, 1911

Make me, Lord, slim and tall, 1911

Harvest Moon Ballad, 1914

The Boyar’s Doina, 1914


George Enescu re-imagined

Prelude a l’Unisson from 1st Orchestral Suite Op 9

Vieux Mediant/ Old Beggar, Impressions de l’Enfance Op 28



Harlem Bliss, by Lucian Ban

Monastery, Mat Maneri & Lucian Ban


Thanks to concert sponsors Dr. William A. Bradley and Dr. Sandra H. Gianturco