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Image for Grace Peña, voice
Grace Peña, voice
03.23.25 | Student Recital
Graduate Recital
Grace Peña, voice

Sunday, March 23, 2025 at 7:00 p.m.
Harold Herman Lab Theatre
Shenandoah Conservatory

Something's Coming

Stephen Sondheim (1930–2021)


Hoagy Carmichael (1899–1981)

He's a Tramp

Sonny Burke (1914–1980)


Pedro Junco Jr. (1920–1943)

Linette Taylor, Voice

I Want Them.... 

Goldrich & Heisler (b. 1964)

Let's Hear It for the Boy (G.P. Jukebox Ed.)

Deniece Williams (b. 1950)

Happy Days Are Here Again

Milton Ager (1893–1979)

- intermission -


Reliably Bad (est. 2020)

Closer to Fine 

Indigo Girls

Autumn Pryor, voice

When You Believe

Stephen Schwartz (b. 1948)

Indian Black, voice 

I Hope You Dance 

Lee Ann Womack (b. 1966)


Natasha Bedingfield (b. 1981)

Make You Feel My Love

Adele (b. 1988)


Cheetah Girls 

India Black, voice
Linette Taylor, voice
Autumn Pryor, voice

Degree Fulfillment

Grace Peña is from the studio of Alison Crockett. This recital is presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Master of Music in Pedagogy (Contemporary Commercial Music – CCM Voice).