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Donna Gill

Canadian-born pianist Donna Gill has performed with singers and instrumentalists throughout theUnited States, Canada and Europe. Dr. Gill holds a DMA in Collaborative Piano from the University ofMinnesota, and completed further studies with Margo Garrett and Brian Zeger at The Juilliard School.

Donna Gill currently teaches on the Diction faculties of Mannes College/The New School, The AaronCopland School of Music/Queens College, NYU Steinhardt, Manhattan School of Music PrecollegeDivision, and The Juilliard School Evening Division, and has done language preparation for English operaproductions at both Mannes and at The Juilliard School. She has been a member of the coaching staff ofthe Vocal Arts department at The Juilliard School, and was a member of the Voice/Opera faculty atTemple University from 2011-2017.

Since 2003, Dr. Gill has been both a member of the coaching staff for the Chautauqua InstitutionSummer School Voice program, and now serves as head coach and Scheduling Administrator. She is cofounder and co-director (with soprano Jane Olian) of Classical Singing and New York in June, a programfor young singers and pianists in New York City, which just completed it’s eleventh season; Donna Gillalso coaches at the Académie La Roche d’Hys , in Vitteaux (Bourgogne), France.

In addition to her university and conservatory affiliations, Donna Gill maintains an active schedule as afreelance artist and coach, and is a frequent and enthusiastic performer of contemporary music in NewYork City, where she makes her home.