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Save Our Youth Kings & Queens

My name is Mitch Morris and I have been a community outreach worker in Cincinnati for many years. I go into hot spots to reach people who have no hope, to offer them something different, and to help them get jobs. My goal is to reduce gun violence on our streets. In my role with the Phoenix Program at Cincinnati Works, I have been able to help hundreds of adults in our neighborhoods. But there is a large, vulnerable group that our regular programs could not reach: youth.

A few years ago, I started a business that hired youth to pick up paper and trash in the neighborhood. They were paid every week to help keep them out of trouble. I partnered then, and continue to partner now, with Ennis Tait Ministries in helping youth ages 14-17, including referring them to Cincinnati Works and other agencies when they turn 18. 

To reduce gun violence and crime among youth in Cincinnati, I want to start a traveling support group for youth, with referrals coming from the juvenile court system, Cincinnati Police Department, Public Defender's Office, schools, and other agencies. Youth would participate in a 3-month program, with meetings held two times per month. Each meeting would be held at a different location, such as the Harriet Beecher Stowe House or National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, where speakers would teach them about history, about who they are. In addition to staff at these locations, doctors and police officers would talk with the youth. The goal of this support group is to build hope within these youth and increase their respect and care for each other, ultimately reducing violence among them.