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The Creation
Part II, text

Translation by Robert Shaw and Alice Parker


15. Recitative
And God said: Let the waters bring forth abundantly 
every moving creature that hath life, 
and fowl that fly above the earth 
in the open firmament of heaven.

16. Aria
On mighty wings now circling soars the eagle proud 
and cleaves the air with swift exulting flight 
to greet the sun.

At morn the lark his cheerful welcome sings; 
adoring coos the tender turtle dove.
From every bush and grove 
pours now the nightingale her sweetest carol; 
no grief has ruffled yet her breast,
nor yet to sorrow been tuned her charming rondelay.

17. Recitative
And God created great whales, 
and every living creature that moveth; 
and God blessed them, saying:

Be fruitful all and multiply, ye creatures of the sky; 
be multiplied, and fill the air with singing!
Multiply, ye creatures of the waters, 
and fill each watery deep! Be fruitful, grow and multiply! 
Rejoice in the Lord your God!

18. Recitative
And the angels struck their immortal harps 
and sang the wonders of the Fifth Day.

19. Trio
In fairest raiment now, with virgin green adorned, 
the rolling hills appear. 
From deep and secret springs, 
in fleeting crystal flow, 
the cooling brook doth pour.

In joyful garlands borne on wheeling tides of air, 
upwings the feathered host. 
The myriad feathers’ gleam reflects in shimmering flight 
the golden sun’s pure light.

From sparkling waters leap the fish 
and twisting flash in ceaseless motion round. 
From deepest ocean home waltzes up leviathan, 
in foaming waves to play.

Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael 
How many are thy works, O God! 
Who may their number tell? 
Who, O God? Who may their number tell?

Chorus with Trio
The Lord is great, and great his might, 
and ever stands his name.

20. Recitative
And God said: 
Let earth bring forth every living creature after his kind, 
cattle and creeping things, 
and beast of the earth after his kind.

21. Recitative
Straight opening her fertile womb, 
the earth brings forth at God’s command 
unnumbered living creatures, in perfect forms and fully grown.

Triumphant, roaring stands the lion there. 
With a lightning leap, the tiger appears. 
Bounding with branching head, the nimble stag. 
With snorting and stamping, flying mane, 
uprears in might the noble steed. 
In pleasant pastures, 
quietly the cattle graze on meadows green.
And o’er the ground, as growing there, 
abide the fleecy, gentle sheep. 
As clouds of dust arise, in swarms assembled 
the host of insects. 
In long dimension creeps, with sinuous trace, the worm.

22. Aria
Now shines the brightest glory of heaven; 
now spreads the lavish attire of earth. 
The air is filled with soaring processions, 
the water swelled by swarming legions; 
the ground is trod by ponderous beasts.

But all the work was not complete; 
there wanted yet that wondrous being, 
that God’s design might thankful see 
and grant his goodness joyful praise.

23. Recitative
And God created Man in his own image; 
in the image of God created he him; 
male and female, created he them. 
And God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, 
and Man became a living soul.

24. Aria
In native worth and honor clad, 
with beauty, strength and courage formed, 
toward heaven raised uprightly, 
stands a man, the lord and king of nature all. 
His broad and arching, noble brow 
proclaims of wisdom’s deep abode, 
and in his eyes with brightness shines the soul, 
the breath and image of his God.
And to his breast he softly holds 
one of and for him formed, 
his other self, his pure delight. 
With virgin grace so sweetly given
as springtime’s charms bestowed, 
she loves him, yields her joy and bliss.

25. Recitative
And God saw everything that he had made, 
and behold, it was very good; 
and the heavenly choir loud rejoicing 
raised their song of praise and hailed the Sixth Day.

26. Chorus
Fulfilled at last the glorious work; 
the Maker sees with sure delight.
Let all our joy resound aloud; 
eternal praise to him accord.

Gabriel, Uriel 
From thee, O Lord, doth all proceed; 
all nature must thy bounty wait. 
If open be thy hand, its fullness feedeth all.

But if thy face be turned away, 
A ghostly terror fills the night, 
and dust returns to dust, the living breath is gone.

Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael 
Thy breath, O Lord, is felt again, 
and life awakes with sweet surprise. 
Renewed is all the earth, 
refreshed its charm and might.

Fulfilled at last the glorious work. 
Eternal praise to him accord. 
For he alone doth reign exalted. Alleluia. 
Glorious be his name forever. Alleluia.