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Cincinnati Men's Chorus
Community Partner

The Cincinnati Men’s Chorus (CMC) is a voluntary, nonprofit 501(c)(3) community chorus organized to provide the opportunity for individuals identifying as male, whether gay, bisexual, transgender or straight allies to sing together. Our Mission: Through our music we strive for excellence; support and nurture our members; entertain our audiences; and work for justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, and harmony between the gay community and the community at large.

The chorus seeks to provide social and fellowship experiences that reach beyond the realm of musical purpose to deepen and enrich our lives. Further, we provide opportunities to present a positive image of the gay community to the general public by being identified as an organization of individuals who are making a contribution to the entire community.

Whether you want to sing with the chorus, join our group of non-singing members, or support our continuing mission, there is a place for everyone with the Cincinnati Men’s Chorus.
