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Cincinnati Public Library


Connecting people with the world of ideas and information


CHPL’s specific approach to embodying this mission is captured in its beliefs. These were initially developed to guide CHPL’s marketing efforts but they actually capture values reflected throughout the entire organization. By elevating them within CHPL’s strategic framework, we invite staff to see how their individual behaviors align to the beliefs expressed by the organization as a whole.


We believe in everyone’s innate value and potential.


We believe there is no prescribed path to knowledge – so why not make the journey fun?


We believe we go farther, together.


We believe libraries are the incubators of community.

Pillars of Excellence

As an entity holding the public’s trust, CHPL must live up to requirements not always expected of organizations in other sectors. These “must-have” values and behaviors comprise CHPL’s pillars of excellence.


The Library values free, open, unrestricted access to its collections and services. We are committed to connecting our customers to the ideas, information and materials they wish to explore in a friendly, nonjudgmental manner. We strive to offer materials, programs and services that represent the needs of our diverse population.

Customer Focus

The Library values all customers and is responsive to their service needs. The customer’s opinion and input is welcomed in all initiatives and undertakings. We consider the impact on the customer in all decisions.


The Library values competence and accountability in our personal and professional actions. We strive to earn the trust and confidence of all customers.


The Library values continuous learning and innovation in the pursuit of excellence. We respond actively to present situations and anticipate future needs to serve as a dynamic force in our community.


The Library values responsible stewardship of all the resources with which we have been entrusted. We are accountable for ensuring the proper use of public funds. We take seriously our responsibility to maximize the efficiency of staff time and talent making the best use of all our resources in the delivery of quality library service.
