Adam Larsen, a documentary filmmaker, projection artist and designer based in Asheville, NC, creates works that blend immersive art and storytelling across a variety of mediums. His films, including Undersung (about caregivers for severely disabled family members) and Neurotypical (exploring autism through autistic perspectives), have earned critical acclaim, with the latter premiering on PBS’s POV. His projection art spans immersive installations like A Worm’s Eye View, a 360-degree experience for autistic audiences showcased at the David Brower Center, and Nebraska Flatwater, a 10-projector meditation on the Nebraska landscape. As a projection designer, Larsen has contributed to over 200 productions, including Broadway’s LoveMusik and major works at the New York Philharmonic, Santa Fe Opera and San Francisco Symphony, to name a few. Currently, Larsen is developing The Pinecone, a mobile 360-degree projection venue designed to bring immersive cinematic experiences to diverse audiences.