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Matthew Wages

MATTHEW WAGES (Bass-Baritone) 2022/2023 Isaac Asimov Award for Artistic Achievement. In addition to Shakespeare, Musical Theatre and Educational Series, Mr. Wages has performed 18 different principal bass and baritone roles with NYGASP since 2015. Dramatis Personae: Pirate King, Pooh-Bah, Lord Mountararat, Giuseppe Palmieri, Sergeant of Police, Sir Despard Murgatroyd, Wilfred Shadbolt, Sir Marmaduke Pointdextre, Florian, Major Murgatroyd, Samuel, Bouncer (Cox & Box), Tare/Poppytop/de Vere (Ages Ago/Mr. Jericho), I’ve Got A Little Twist, Roderic (Ruddygore: Revisited) G&S Festival, U.K. Director and Adapter of Cox and Box, the Film! Numerous independent films and shorts. Traveled to 36 countries. Love to Kenji, Jo Jo & Kento. Keep up to date: MatthewWages.com, FB: The Matthew Wages, IG: @MatthewWages.