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Hometown: St. Petersburg, Fla.

Nicole Stalker was born in St. Petersburg, Fla., and began her dance training at the age of three at Cheryl Lee Studio of Dance. She spent summers training at The Chautauqua Institute, American Ballet Theatre and The Rock School for Dance Education before moving to Philadelphia in 2005 to attend The Rock School’s year-round program. She spent her final summer at the School of American Ballet in 2007 before moving to Miami to join Miami City Ballet School’s Pre-Professional Division. In 2008, Stalker joined Miami City Ballet as an apprentice and was promoted to the corps de ballet in 2009. In 2023, she was promoted to Soloist.

Stalker was nominated twice by Founding Artistic Director Edward Villella for the Princess Grace Award in 2009 and 2011, an honor she is grateful to have received from him.