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Hometown: Burgos, Spain

Guillermo Dominguez began his professional ballet training at Escuela Profesional de Danza "Ana Laguna" in Burgos, Spain at the age of ten. He continued his training at Estudio de Danza María de Ávila, and in 2019, he received a full scholarship to the Hamburg Ballet School in Germany where he graduated. From there, he was accepted into Tulsa Ballet II, where he danced in repertoire created by Annabelle Lopez Ochoa, Edwaard Liang, Yury Yanowsky, Val Caniparoli, Ma Cong, Andrew McNicol, Itzik Galili and Jennifer Weber. In 2023, he joined Atlanta Ballet where he performed in ballets such as The Nutcracker (by Yuri Possokhov), La Sylphide (staged by Johan Kobborg), Sandpaper Ballet (by Mark Morris), Coco Chanel: The life of a Fashion Icon (by Annabelle Lopez Ochoa) and Nighthawks (by Claudia Schreier). 

Guillermo joins Miami City Ballet for the 2024/25 season.