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Hometown: New York, NY

Brooks Landegger began his training at the School of American Ballet under Jock Soto, Arch Higgins, Phoebe Higgins, Andrei Krameravsky, and Peter Frame. He has performed in numerous productions at Lincoln Center’s David H. Koch Theater and Metropolitan Opera House. He went on to be an award-winning Billy Elliot at theaters across the United States. In 2020, Landegger joined Boston Ballet II under longtime mentor Peter Stark. 

Landegger joined Miami City Ballet in 2022. He danced as a Principal Guest Artist at the New York City Ballet and Czech National Ballet in 2024.

Landegger is a Knight Arts Champion, a Young Arts Winner in Dance, and his debut performance in Romeo & Juliet was selected by Pointe Magazine as a Standout Performance of 2022.