Estate Plans that include the SDSO
Please consider the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra when planning your estate. Our Encore Society is a group of individuals that will leave lasting gifts to the SDSO to ensure generations of audiences to come.
Tom and Julie Bennett
Gene and Ann Burrish
Walter and Martha Carlson
Dean and Patricia Chadwell
Linda Clement
Virginia Dettman
Bruce and Charlotte Douglass
Mary L. Eich
Marie Eide
Sally Fantle
Mark and Mary Kay Fausch
Paul and Claire Gillaspey
Brad and Candace Grossenburg
Candy Hanson
Chris Hill
Phil and Martha Helland
Sylvia Henkin
Boyd and Dody Hopkins
Jeff and Renee Hurley
Arthur and Doris Huseboe
Harriet Hybertson
Scott and Mer Johnson
Anita Kealey
Duncan and Elinor Keirnes
Laura Keller
Dan and Arlene Kirby
Kevin and Peggy Kirby
Hugo and Mabel Koerner
Donald and Sharon Lehmann
Peter Lieberman and Carla Fauske
Scott Loftesness
George and Kay Lundberg
Gloria L. Lundstrom
Vicki Madsen
Boyd and Barb McMurchie
Michael and Janice Mullin
Milt and Ruby Mutch
Mike and Karen Pekas
Don and Ann Platt
Franklin and Marit Pudas
Brad and Ann Randall
Jay Reeve and Katherine Peterson
Elizabeth Rezek
Paul and Koni Schiller
Neil and Glenda Schmid
A. Kent Scribner
Charline Smith
Henry Charles Smith
Arlo and Mary Sommervold
Jack and Linda Stengel
Jennifer Teisinger and Chris Gripkey
Jim and Marlene Winker