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Individual Donors

The South Dakota Symphony Orchestra would like to thank these generous individuals for their support of the SDSO Annual Fund for December 2023 through December 2024. The music you hear on stage and in our communities is possible thanks to our donors.


Angel $10,000+


Miles and Lisa Beacom

Rosemarie and Dean Buntrock

Dan and Arlene Kirby

Scott and Marlys Lawrence

T. Denny Sanford

Benefactor $7,500-$9,999

Robert and Miriam Broin

Lisa and Tom Gerner

Paul and Claire Gillaspey

Don and Ann Platt

Charles and Barbara Ann Yelverton


Golden Baton $5,000-$7,499

Matthew and Rebecca Barker

Steve and Kris Egger

Mark and Mary Kay Fausch

Pat Graham

Joe and Jennifer Kirby

Tom and Marv Looby

Shireen Ranschau

Max Sandlin and Stephanie Herseth Sandlin

The Trzynka/Marshall Family

Loren and Jean Tschetter

Deborah VanderWoude and James Abbott

Kirke and DaNeil Wheeler

David and Candace Ziegler


Afficionado $2,500-$4,999


Keith and Glynn Bartels

David and Lisa Bean

Norman and Melanie Bliss

Dana and LaDawn Dykhouse

Dave Flicek and June Nusz

José-Marie Griffiths

Robert and Elizabeth Hoffman

Julie J. Iverson

Rich and Cindy Korman

Pete and Katherine Looby

Mary McQuillen

Milt Mutch

Jeff and Cynthia Nelson

Matthew Parker*

Rodney and Ruth Parry

Rachelle Schaap

Scott and Ronna Sletten

Christopher and Catherine Sumey

Jerry and Mary Pat Sweetman

Vance and Jana Thompson


Virtuoso $1,500-$2,499

Kameha and Randy Bell

David and Cheryl Boer

Craig and Terri Carlson

Kevin and Andrea Carlson

Dean Chadwell

                In memory of Patricia Chadwell

Ronald and Kathleen Christensen

Martin and Amy DesLauriers

Mary Eich

Darin and Stefani Hage

Virginia Harrington

Daniel and Catherine Heinemann

Steve and Suzie Kirby

Richard and Gail Klein

Donald Knudson

Kurt and Valerie Loudenback

Lane and Lindsay Lundeby

Lisa and Randy Marso

Rob and Mary Mastick

James and Mindy Moore

L. Bruce Nelson

Tim and Christy Olson

Doug and Sandra Pay

Mike and Karen Pekas

The Honorable Lawrence and Catherine Piersol

Lee Raines

John and Kay Rozell

Liz Spivey and Dave Bergin

Bob and Marilyn Van Demark

Tom and Kim Wadsworth 

Maestro $1,000-$1,499

Marjorie J. Anderson

David Basel

Susan Buhl

Joan Clark

Jerome and Mary Freeman

Lawrence and Suzanne Fuller

Lorna Gallanter

Doug and Anne Hajek

Peter and Marilyn Hegg

Darlys and Cathy Hofer

Jane Justice

Dave and De Knudson 

Jeff and Julie Lautt

David and Laurie Link

Elissa Loesch and David Leonard

Jack and Betty Marsh

Steve and Mary Lynn Myers

Dr. Jawad Nazir

Rolf Olson and Anne E. Waltner

Steve Peterson

Marian and Andrea Petrasko

Franklin Pudas

Michael and Jennifer Puumala

Nick and Samantha Ratzloff

Jay Reeve and Katherine Peterson

Steve and Tracie Rohlf

Thomas and Susan Roust

Dave and Tammy Rozenboom

Steve and Katherine Sanford

Bob and Lori Santella

Paul and Koni Schiller

Greg Schultz and Karen Devick Schultz

Jane Stavem

Jennifer Teisinger and Chris Gripkey

Susan Teisinger

Jon and Suzanne Veenis

Ron Williamson

Norma and Chuck Wise


Advocate $500-$999

Ken and Margaret Aspaas

Stephen Beukelman

Taly Bialostocki

V.R. and Mary Brandenburg

Dick and Bev Casey

Julie and Patrick Danielson

Virginia Dettman Estate

Jason and Kathie Douma

David and Julie Elson

Susan Ferdon

Tom and Ann Garry

Arnold and Lynne Garson

Vance and Sherry Goldammer

DeLoris Gulson

David and Mary Hartley

Ronald and Marge Hegge

Gayle Hooper

Boyd and Dody Hopkins

Garry and Dianne Jacobson

Mark Jameson

Harvey and Mary Jewell

Dennis Knutson and Alma Kallesen

Laura Larsen 

David Larsen and Karen Heiling

Patrick and Kaye Lawler

David Lazoff

Mary Jo Wegner Estate

Gene and Susan McGowan

John McIntyre

Elizabeth Osheim

Birgit Peterson

Kay Reinartz

Elizabeth Sandager

A. Kent Scribner

Chad and Dana Spanos

Jack Stengel

Jeanette Stowsand

William G. and Cheryl E. Taylor

Robert and Joan Thimjon

Rick and Leah Van Dam

John and Ramona Wade

Dale and Judy Winter


Champion $250-$499

Mavis Amundson

Monty Barnard and Pam Hansen Barnard

Donna Barstad

Judy and Charles Berdahl

Ronald and Lexia DeWit

Jeanne Ekholm

Tammy Hanson

Doosook Kim

Ronn and Rita King

Catherine Ann Lacey

Don Levsen

Josette and Ronald Lindahl

William and Lorrae Lindquist

Bruce and Diane Mair

James and Christine McGrann

Craig and Julie McKay

Blair and Julie Metzger

Jack and Marilynn Molenhoff

Michael and Janice Mullin

James and Marilyn Nyberg

Jim and Carol Oakland

Judith Payne ꭍ

Karen Pratt

David and Rina Reynolds

David and Pamella Sonnichsen

Glenda Stene

Merrill and Sandi Van Gerpen

Brandon Varilek

Anna Vorhes

Norman and Kathleen West

Stephen and Janis Yarbrough


Friend $1-$249

Nancy Adair

Bob Adney

Catherine Anderson

Maribeth Anderson

David and Marilyn Aronson

Gladys Bahnson

Lois Beckstrand

Larry and Anita Bierman

Eric and Michelle Bierstedt

Judy Blauwet

Dick and Jane Bohy

Richard Bonander and Tamara Ford

Robert Bray

Mark and Jean Bubak

Robert Caselli

Renee Christensen

Mary Ann Clark

Durwood and Kathrine Clauson

Paul and Mary Ellen Connelly

Jean Costello

Ron and Marlene Daale

Tom and Pat Dempster

Mimi Doolittle

William and Rosemary Draeger

Sheryl Faber

Donn and Pat Fahrendorf

Barb and Gary Fish

Chuck and Diane Flohr

Peter and Jennifer Folliard

Peggy Frost

Ioana Galu ꭍ

Tom and Marilyn Gannon

Rich and Mary Garry

William and Virgene Gast

Larry and Lorayne Giff

Laura and Justin Gray

Mark and Stacy Gross

Colin Hall

Nancy and Mark Hallenbeck ꭍ

Karen Hartberg

Jane Healy

Marcella Heath

Merle and De Loris Heidenreich

Karen Hohman

Ted and Becky Hollan

Tyler Holmquist

Allan and Peggy Holte

David Horn

Tex and Jo Hoy

John Hutchinson and Deb McIntyre

Mary Ihli

Thomas Jacobson

Paul and Susan Jensen

Sandy Jerstad

Al and Carol Johnson

Cynthia Johnson

Dorothy Johnson

Ronald and Sandra Johnson

Timothy and Barbara Johnson

Priscilla Jorve

Mary Kleinjan

Ardelle Kleinsasser

Joan Klock

Anita Klune

Cheryl Koch

Jane Koch

Kurt Korth

Sue A. Lang

Marianne Larsen

Duane and Mabel Larson

Dan and Donna Leininger

Bonnie Litschewski Paulson

George and Kay Lundberg

Gene and Mary Ann Marko

Steve and Jetty Matzner

David Mavity

David Melemseter

Marge Mellendorf

Jerry and Ruthi Menken

Gail Meyer-Deelstra

David Morris ꭍ

Jean Morrow ꭍ

Charles and Linda Neilson

Reynold Nesiba

Ruth Olsen

Frank and Dee Owens

Eric Parry

Arlene Pearsall

Ed and Char Peters

Lisa Peterson

Doug Pochop

Pauline Poletes

Margaret Preston

Greg and Carol Puerkel

Susan M. Randall and Mark Sanderson

Joan Rasmusson

Eric and Ruth Raveling

Andrew Reinartz

Rex and Margie Rolfing

Gonzalo and Lois Sanchez

Jeannine Schneider

Mike and Sarah Schulte

Karen Schultz

Paul Schwan

Cindy Sieber

Jon and Cate Sommervold

Victoria Sportelli

Robert and Nancy Stanek

Shirley Stenseth

Mary Ann Swenson

Jeanine and Wayne Syverson

Gerhild Tamura

Bette Theobald

June Thormodsgard

Mike and Brenda Thuringer

Bonnie Ulrich

Jeff and Brianna Venekamp

Larence Ventling

Richard and Marilynn Viehweg

Denny Vogel

Jiaju Wang

Joel and Deanna Wehrspann

Stuart Wenzel

James and Karri Wiederrich

Jeffrey and Susan Winters

Bruce Wintle

Debbie and Matt Witte

Carol Wold

Graham Wrightson

Larry and Judi Zikmund

Nancy Zimney

Lisa Zuhlke

Italicized-name indicates SDSO Visionary Donors

Our Visionaries are donors who have made a three year commitment to the SDSO Annual Fund. These donors ensure the sustainability and growth of the SDSO.

∫-indicates SDSO Sustainers.

Symphony Sustainers are a special group of donors who make recurring monthly gifts to the SDSO.

Bold-name indicates SDSO musician

*-Indicates in kind donors