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David Lécuyer

Pianist David Lécuyer was born in Montreal, Canada, where he completed his bachelor's degree in piano performance at Sherbrooke University. He is currently a student in the studio of Professor John O’Conor at Shenandoah University, where he was awarded a full scholarship in pursuit of his Mastersof Music in Performance (Piano). He has earned second place in the Canadian Music Competition twice and has performed with the Sherbrooke Youth Symphony Orchestra. In addition to his studies in piano, he has performed with symphony orchestras, wind orchestras and big bands as a trumpet player.

David regularly works with living composers and has recorded multiple premieres of works by Canadian composer Benoit Groulx. He currently holds the position of repetiteur for the Shenandoah Conservatory Opera and works as a collaborative pianist with conservatory students.

A very keen interest in German music is reflected in his playing and choice of repertoire. He thrives on deepening his understanding of all music, but particularly Beethoven, Brahms, and Mozart. He is also very fond of older generations of pianists and seeks to understand and revive an old tradition of playing which he believes has been lost through the years. His love of nature, philosophy and literature also strongly influence his interpretations of music.