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Julietta Curenton

Known for her “bold and dramatically characterized playing” (Dallas Morning News), “great artistic sense” and “tone that draws in one’s ear with sounds and ideas that simply cannot be resisted,” (Philadelphia Inquirer) Julietta Curenton has established herself as a leading flute soloist, chamber and orchestral player, professor and clinician.

Dr. Curenton won Premiere Prix at the Journées de les Harpes Competition in Arles, France and first prize at the National Flute Association young artist competition and Astral Artists’ national auditions. She has made several solo guest appearances with the National Symphony Orchestra, Baltimore Symphony, the Kennedy Center Institute Orchestra, Temple University Orchestra, Black Pearl Chamber Orchestra and others. Most recently, she performed the New York premiere of  Dr. James Lee III’s evocative flute concerto, Niiji Memories, with the Stony Brook University Symphony Orchestra.

In 2022, Dr. Curenton was appointed assistant professor of flute at Shenandoah Conservatory in Winchester, Virginia. Dr. Curenton holds a Bachelor of Music degree from The Juilliard School, Master of Music degree from The Royal Northern College of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts degree from Stony Brook University. She plays on a silver elite model Burkart Flute and is a proud Burkart Flutes & Piccolos artist.