Paul Semrad first appeared at Undermain Theatre in the acclaimed production of Neil Young’s Greendale in 2008 at both Undermain Theatre and Ohio Theatre in New York City. He also appeared in and designed music for Undermain’s productions of Abraham Zobell’s Home Movie: Final Reel..., An Iliad, Sacrifice, and Visible from Four States. As a sound designer for Undermain, he has worked on Profanity, The Fairytale Lives of Russian Girls, The Flick, The Droll, Long Day's Journey into Night, Galileo, John, Three Sisters, How is it That We Live or Shakey Jake + Alice, and Red Chariot. He also created sound designs for the online streaming productions of Saint Nicholas, Hedda Gabler, and Suffocation Theory. For Kitchen Dog Theater he was the sound co-designer for A Stain Upon the Silence: Beckett's Bequest. He also was an assistant director for Undermain’s production of The Night Alive. Since 2009, Paul has designed the poster and postcard art for Undermain Theatre. From 1988 to 1989 he was the bassist and backing vocalist for the popular Deep Ellum band, Course of Empire. He is married to Sarah Jane Semrad and father of Eva and Jiri Semrad as well as several cats.