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Maximus Taylor

Maximus Taylor is a 2nd year bass-baritone undergraduate currently studying at the University of Kentucky under Dr. Michael Preacely. He studied classical voice under Elizabeth and Garrett Sorenson before coming to UK for a total of seven years. Throughout this period, he has won several competitions such as the UK All-Tech competition and the Hal Leonard competition. Before coming to UK, he performed in operas including Carmen and La Boheme as a chorus member with the Canto Vocal Program and has participated in other summer enrichment programs such as the Schmidt Vocal Institute. Since coming to UK, he has been recognized in national competitions including the Schmidt Undergraduate Vocal Competition as an honorable mention as well as placing 3rd in the NSA national finals. He continues to participate in opera productions at UK including Susannah as a chorus member, Don Giovanni as Masetto, and Le Nozze di Figaro as Antonio.