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Home In the Harris Family Gallery A Brief History of Weathervane Playhouse Mission and Vision Statement For an Enjoyable Experience Board of Trustees and Staff Our Generous Donors Our Hardworking Volunteers Show your Support
Richard Morris, Jr.
Scenic Designer/Technical Director

Richard Morris Jr, is currently the Resident Scenic Designer and Technical Director for Weathervane Playhouse in Akron Ohio, some of his Recent designs include The Wedding Band (Stratford Festival); Wine in the Wilderness (Two River Theater); Two Train Running and American Son (Pittsburgh Public Theater). Richard has designed scenery for over 160 Productions and was the recipient of the National Black Theatre Festivals award for “Outstanding Achievements in Scenic Design.” In 2013, he was the Keynote Speaker at Alabama State University on African Americans in Scenic Design. Richard also owns Second Soul, a company that specializes in 3D character design and animation. He also holds a BA in Scenic and Lighting Design from Kent State University.

Richard Morris, Jr.
Scenic Designer/Technical Director

Richard Morris Jr, is currently the Resident Scenic Designer and Technical Director for Weathervane Playhouse in Akron Ohio, some of his Recent designs include The Wedding Band (Stratford Festival); Wine in the Wilderness (Two River Theater); Two Train Running and American Son (Pittsburgh Public Theater). Richard has designed scenery for over 160 Productions and was the recipient of the National Black Theatre Festivals award for “Outstanding Achievements in Scenic Design.” In 2013, he was the Keynote Speaker at Alabama State University on African Americans in Scenic Design. Richard also owns Second Soul, a company that specializes in 3D character design and animation. He also holds a BA in Scenic and Lighting Design from Kent State University.