In the summer of 2020, Barter began collecting stories from our local Black communities as part of our Black in Appalachia Initiative, which seeks to ensure all voices in our region have a platform to be heard and celebrated. Join us for an evening of artistic expression, where Black artists explore their identities and experiences in the Appalachian region we call home.
The Resting Tree by Miriam Braxton
Not Ruby or Linda or Barbara by Darren Canady
The Chronicles of Mary White by Vickie L. Evans
Bottomless by Terrance Jackson
Fixed by Pennie Parker
Trains by Quinton Cockrell
Actor - Vince McGill*
Actor - Rita Cole*
Storyteller - Ronnie Pepper
Emcee - Terrance Jackson
* denotes AEA Actors
Director - Terrance Jackson
Director - Patrice Foster
Artwork - Dakari Wheeler
Filmmaker of Sound and Sole - Cara Hagan
Lighting Designer - Andrew Morehouse
Sound Engineer - Matthew Green
Monologue Coordinator - Catherine Bush
Producer - Nicholas Piper
Producing Artistic Director - Katy Brown
This event is part of our Black in Appalachia Initiative, which grew out of our Appalachian Festival of Plays and Playwrights.
For more information about our Black in Appalachia Initiative, click here.
For more information about our Appalachian Festival of Plays and Playwrights, click here.