Presented by:
Friday, March 29, 2024
6:30 PM
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Everybody loves the international bestseller and award-winning book, The Rainbow Fish, with its wonderful message of friendship and belonging. With shiny, multi-colored scales, Rainbow Fish is the most beautiful fish in all of the ocean, and the only one of his (or her!) kind. But when Rainbow Fish refuses to share his vibrant, shimmering scales, the whole ocean seems to turn against the vain creature. Unhappy that no one adores him anymore, the Rainbow Fish seeks out the wise Octopus, who helps him learn that it’s far better to be admired for being kind than for being beautiful.
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Dr. Pippa Pinckley-Stewart
Scene One: The Coral Reef
Scene Two: Near The Garden Party
Scene Three: At School
Scene Four: A Visit with Starfish
Scene Five: The Journey
Scene Six: The Octopus
Director- Emma McGee
Stage Manager- Kate Cox
Production Assistant- Gracelyn Boca
Technical Director- Scott Gardner
Technical Assistant- Patrick Duncan
Lighting Designer- Aaron Goodwin
Sound Designer- Jeff Petrocelli
Set Designer- Valerie Bramer
Costume Designer- Annie Sanders
Carpenter & Painter- Bryn Tomes