~Presented by BG OnStage~
This Tony award winning “play with music” is a cute, comedic origin story of the beloved characters of Peter Pan, Wendy, Tinkerbell, and Captain Hook.
Tickets are $12 for adults, $10 for kids 6-17 yrs old, and $8 for kids under 6 yrs old.
Act One
Prologue - Sailors and Seamen
Scene 2 - Molly's Cabin - The Neverland
Scene 3 - Bowels of the Ship - The Neverland
Scene 4 - Bilge Dungeon - The Neverland
Scene 5 - Captain's Cabin - The Wasp
Scene 6 - Passageway - The Neveralnd
Scene 7 - Captain's Cabin - The Wasp
Scene 8 - Bilge Dungeon- The Neverland
Scene 9 - On Deck - The Neverland
Scene 10 - Swim On - The Neverland & The Wasp
Act Two
Prologue - Mermaid Outta Me - Mollusk Island
Scene 1 - Mountaintop - Mollusk Island
Scene 2 - Jungle - Mollusk Island
Scene 3 - Mollusk Teritory - Mollusk Island
Scene 4 - Mr. Gin's Cage -Mollusk Island
Scene 5 - Beach - Mollusk Island
Scene 6 - Jungle's Edge - Mollusk Island
Scene 7 - Up the Mountain - Molllusk Island
Scene 8 - Grotto - Mollusk Island
Scene 9 - Mountaintop -Mollusk Island
Scene 10 - Uklele Smee - Mollusk Island Beach
Black Stache -- JJ Gibson
Molly Aster -- Hallie Slocum
Boy/Peter -- Laurel Johnston
Grempkin -- Austin Yates
Mrs. Bumbrake -- Dawn Burroughs
Bill Slank/Hawking Clam -- Audrey Wallace
Smee --Jaxon Gard
Prentiss -- Jonathan Reiter
Alf -- Joesphy Byrd
Lord Leonard Aster -- Catherine Ellis
Capt. Robert Falcon Scott/Teacher -- Lydia Cantrell
Ted -- Adam Wallace
Fighting Prawn -- Sophie Stockton
Mack -- Brendan Reiter
Sanchez -- Morgan Martin
Mr. Grin/The Crocodile -- Reese McWhorter
Pirate Cat & Yellow Bird -- Madilynn Cox
Seth Allen, Kelly Bryant, Madilynn Cox,
Morgan Martin, Clare Perkins, Brendan Reiter,
Sophie Stockton, Lydia Trowbridge, McKinely Wright,
Reese McWhorter, Austin Yates
Boy/Peter -- Lydia Cantrell
Molly -- Sophie Stockton
Prentiss -- Seth Allen
Ted -- Kelly Bryant
Director -- Elise Charny
Stage Manager/Choreographer -- Brook Hale
Music Director -- Hasum Morfin -Gandara
Assistant Stage Manger--Will Farris