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Image for San Jose Taiko
San Jose Taiko
04.01.25 | Ohrstrom-Bryant Theatre
San Jose Taiko
Rhythm Journey

Tuesday, April 1, 2025 at 7:30 p.m.
Ohrstrom-Bryant Theatre
Shenandoah Conservatory

Home Coming Home (2016)

Alex Hudson

Golden Sky (2019)

Geoff Noone

RumbaKo (1993)

Janet Koike and Toni Yagami

Pandala (2001)

Franco Imperial

Weave (2019)

Geoff Noone

Wagamama (2016)

Yurika Chiba

Kagami (1993)

Anna Lin

Tales of a Balloon (2012, 2024)

Mitchell Fukumoto

- intermission -

SoreSamba (2016)

Franco Imperial

NanaShi (1992)

Roy Hirabayashi

Bayou (2004)

Dylan Solomon

Chikara (1995, 2023)

Janet Koike
arr. Franco Imperial

Iruka (2001)

Franco Imperial

Oedo Bayashi (1983)

Gary Tsujimoto

Meet the Artists
San Jose Taiko
Support Performing Arts Live

Performing Arts Live (PAL) is supported in part by the L.P. "Skip" and Anne Hughes Hill Visiting Artist Endowment, honoring the legacy of L.P. "Skip" Hill and Anne Hughes Hill. Making a donation to the Hill Visiting Artist Endowment grows support for Performing Arts Live.

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Dean's Circle

When you join the Shenandoah Conservatory Dean’s Circle, your annual member support helps Shenandoah Conservatory address the costs of excellence in performing arts training, equipping state-of-the-art facilities, hiring world-class faculty, and fostering experimental and creative student projects.

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Shenandoah Conservatory is grateful to the Dean's Circle for supporting our creative community of artists, scholars and educators.

Meet the Dean's Circle >

To learn more about joining the Dean’s Circle and the other ways you can make a transformative gift to Shenandoah Conservatory visit www.su.edu/performs/support or contact:

Shenandoah University Office of Advancement    
give@su.edu | (540) 665-4512

Shenandoah University is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

Friends of the Conservatory

As a Friend of the Conservatory, you designate your support for a specific academic department, student ensemble, high profile guest artist or special initiative. Your gift demonstrates your appreciation for the important role the arts play in our lives and our community.

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Shenandoah Conservatory is grateful to the Friends of the Conservatory for supporting our creative community of artists, scholars and educators.

Meet the Friends of the Conservatory >

Contact Shenandoah University's Office of Advancement at (540) 665-4512 or give@su.edu for more information or other ways to give.

Shenandoah University is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All gifts are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.