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Image for Wind Ensemble
Wind Ensemble
05.10.25 | Armstrong Concert Hall
Wind Ensemble
Coincident Dances

Timothy J. Robblee, artistic director, conductor

Saturday, May 10, 2025 at 7:30 p.m.
Armstrong Concert Hall
Shenandoah Conservatory


Program information coming soon...

Wind Ensemble

Chris Claudio-Segovia
Megan Hawthorne
Jaylan Jones
Katarina Sams
Samuel Roberto Soste-Taffur
Peter Wood
Brienna Yates


Emma Shields
Brendan Shirk


Darian Angel
Veronica Cooker
Jesse Eagle
Renae Flood
Timothy Johnson
Daniel Lee
Peter Mattson
Brenden Rafferty
Caitlyn Rose
Fabiola Vazquez Becerra


Megan Frederick
Addison Meek
Emily Seelinger
Emma Shockey


Beau Baldassari
Jamie Harris
Cliff Hernandez
Patrick Rippeon
Aidan Robbins


Addison Ashley
Sarah Berry
Juniper Jones
Phoebe O'Kelly
Gabby Pocaro
Ryan Wezner


Connor Eldredge
Alexander Ferrari
Aidan Murray
Bret Paul
Vanessa Rivera
Phia Tevault


Rebecca Acolatse
Brandon DuBritton
Andrew Hiebert
Jackson Smith
Trey Strosnider
Jaylinn Vanegas


Cedric Allder
Reeve Thomas


Jonas Cairns
Luke Demers

String Bass

Jack Penland


Chris Boxall
Lukas Dannenberg
Jacob Derges
Ethan Fox
Alex Gamboa
AJ Guarino
Luka Mendoza-Felix
Brodie Meyers
Anneliese Walrath


Sarah Morris


Serenity Flores
Brynn Olden

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Shenandoah University Office of Advancement    
give@su.edu | (540) 665-4512

Shenandoah University is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

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Shenandoah Conservatory is grateful to the Friends of the Conservatory for supporting our creative community of artists, scholars and educators.

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Contact Shenandoah University's Office of Advancement at (540) 665-4512 or give@su.edu for more information or other ways to give.

Shenandoah University is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All gifts are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

Accessibility & Reminders

Wheelchair accessible restrooms are available across the courtyard in Gregory Hall (approximately 100 feet from the Armstrong Concert Hall lobby). Please notify house management for assistance.

Patrons are requested to silence cell phones and other electronic devices during performances. The taking of photographs and the use of recording equipment are not permitted during performances.