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Act II

Giselle is buried in unconsecrated ground in the dark and gloomy forest where the Wilis are known to gather. Any man caught in the woods between midnight and dawn will be captured by the Wilis’ spell and forced to dance to his death. Hilarion, devastated by the loss of Giselle, wanders into the forest to place a wooden cross made of branches on her grave. Suddenly realizing it is midnight, he tries to escape the forest as the Wilis begin rising from their graves.

Myrtha, Queen of the Wilis, appears. She summons the Wilis and uses a branch of rosemary to remind each spirit of the men who have betrayed their love. The Wilis dance their nightly ritual as Myrtha announces the arrival of a new Wili, Giselle. Obedient to Myrtha, the Wilis help call forth Giselle from her early grave to be initiated as a Wili. A sound is heard nearby and the Wilis hide in wait of their prey.

The guilt ridden and grief stricken Albrecht emerges from the woods and kneels before Giselle’s grave. Giselle’s ghost appears to him and he runs to follow
her vision to another area of the woods.

Hilarion returns. Ensnared by the Wilis, he is forced to dance to death. Albrecht is discovered by Myrtha. She casts a spell to hold him in her power. Giselle appears suddenly and sends Albrecht to her grave, instructing him to hold onto the cross as protection from the Wilis. She pleads with Myrtha that Albrecht be spared. Myrtha denies Giselle her request and lures Albrecht away from the protection of the grave by compelling Giselle to dance. Albrecht, unable to resist Giselle’s deadly beauty, leaves the cross. They once again dance together as an expression of their love.

Just as it seems that Albrecht will also be forced to dance to his death, the first signs of dawn appear. He is saved. The Wilis must depart at daybreak, but so too must Giselle. Accepting her fate as a Wili, Giselle slowly disappears into her grave. Albrecht is left alone in his grief and suffering, realizing that while the true love between himself and Giselle saved his life, he must now be without her forever.