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Act I

The Forest Near the Riverbank

The ballet opens to reveal Alice, her sister and her father enjoying a beautiful afternoon in the forest. Alice is quite bored until, suddenly, a White Rabbit runs by her and appears next to a hole. It seems only Alice has seen the rabbit and, her curiosity piqued, she follows the rabbit and peers down the hole to Wonderland. The White Rabbit pushes her in and she tumbles into Wonderland.


Alice falls and falls down the rabbit hole until she lands with a thump in a strange new place, surrounded by nothing but doors. Alice, being naturally curious, wonders where the doors lead and how to get inside. Alice tries unsuccessfully to open several of the doors. To her delight, the White Rabbit appears and gives her a bottle labeled “Drink Me” and scampers away yet again. Alice drinks the potion and begins to grow. Suddenly, she’s too large for the room and can’t fit through the doors. Alice is feeling very afraid and scared until the White Rabbit dashes in and gives her a small piece of cake labeled “Eat Me.” Alice takes a small bite of cake and starts to shrink, so much that now she can’t reach the door handle. Alice realizes she should drink the potion again to get bigger and finally returns to normal size.

The Caucus Race

Stepping through a door, Alice comes upon a nonsensical race involving several strange creatures. Delighted to find herself in pure chaos, she is surprised to meet: an Eaglet, a Dodo, Flamingos, Hedgehogs, and Piglets. Once again, the White Rabbit appears. Alice chases him deeper into Wonderland and finds herself in the forest, where she comes upon a gigantic and exotic Caterpillar.

In the Forest

Alice watches as the Caterpillar changes and transforms into a beautiful and whimsical butterfly. She says goodbye to the Caterpillar and continues to wander about searching for the White Rabbit. It’s becoming dark outside when Alice meets Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. The Tweedles are silly creatures that seem to never stop arguing, no matter how hard Alice tries to break it up. Unbeknownst to Alice, the ferocious Jabberwocky is lurking in the forest nearby. The Tweedles suddenly stop their arguing upon remembering that the Jabberwocky is close. The Tweedles try to warn Alice but have trouble communicating and she misses their clues.

The Tea Party

est. The mysterious Cheshire Cat appears and disappears. Alice becomes hopelessly lost until the White Rabbit finds her again and brings her to an unexpected and bizarre tea party. She meets the Mad Hatter, the March Hare, Dodo, Eaglet and Dormouse and the Tweedles are there, too. The group has a grand tea party, and just when Alice has had enough of the Mad Hatter’s craziness, the group is startled by a surprise attack by the Jabberwocky, causing everyone to run for their lives.