Marshall Swiney is a native of Newport News, Virginia. He came to Thelma Hill Performing Arts Center (THPAC) in 1995 as a graduate of Florida State University with a B.F.A. Degree in dance and as a choreographer whose work had been presented in Florida, Pennsylvania, and at a number of New York City venues since the mid-1980s. After Melvin Davis death, the former executive director of THPAC, Mr. Swiney succeeded him in the position of Artistic Director of the organization while continuing to develop and stage his own choreography. Before and after leaving the position in 2005, Mr. Swiney taught and continues to teach a daily movement class called “Morning Rhythms” at Greater Harlem Nursing Home, to residents with various needs and physical challenges. At Robert Couche Senior Center in Jamaica, Queens, he has taught a weekly class called “Healthy Moves.” Mr. Swiney continues to serve Thelma Hill Performing Arts Center as an artistic advisor. New choreography, Standing on the Word will be performed on The Souls of Our Feet People of Color Dance Feet on June 26, 2016 in Brooklyn, New York.