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$250 to $499

Angel Alajaji and Joshua Dresser
L. Hartman Anderson
Mr. Charles Arndt
Ruth B. and Joseph E. Doninger
Karen Erickson and Dan Hughes
Ms. Edith Fessler
Helen Franz
Ms. Pat Gerbanas
Dave and Ginny Glasner 
Patricia and Charles Gohs
Melissa Kerpel
Steve Lewin and Joan Cahn
Laura Maurer and Don Flayton
Judge Martin Moltz
Gail and James Paskind
Sue Pastin
David Perlson and Family
Anita and Stu Rifkind
Pamela Powell Rosenbusch
Anthony Salamone
Dan and Julie Smith
Ms. Mary Alice Strzalka
Ms. Barbara Urban
Ms. Cherie Weil
Ms. Victoria Weisenberg
Katina Xourias

*Member, Music Theater Works Board of Directors

Donor lists represent gifts to the 2023 season received from April 1, 2022 to May 18, 2023.  To let us know about any error, please send an email to criley@musictheaterworks.org