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Alyssa McRay
Candy Man Kid/Oompa-Loompa/Squirrel

is thrilled to be making her Riverside Center debut in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory TYA. She is a competitive dancer at the Fredericksburg Studio of the Arts and has been dancing there for twelve years. She has participated in twelve shows with local theater groups, where some of her favorite roles have been in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Jr (Veruca Salt), Matilda Jr (Lavender), and The Prom School Edition (Kaylee). She would like to thank her parents for all their love and support, Laura Matter for believing in her and helping along the way, and Shelbi Shelton for pushing her to be the best she can be, no matter how hard it gets. She would also like to thank her amazing castmates and the crew for all their support and for being amazing to work with.