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Micah Sell

Micah Sell was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he began his career in circus and gymnastics. He began dancing in 2009 at the Metropolitan Ballet Academy under the direction of Lisa Collins, mentored by Sarah Mettin. After graduating from high school, he studied at the Purchase College Conservatory of Dance, where he performed works by Doug Varone, Bret Easterling, and Martha Graham, among others. Outside of school, he had the opportunity to perform works by Victor Quijada and Mark Caserta. In 2024, Micah received his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Purchase College, SUNY with a concentration in composition. This is his first season with RUBBERBAND as an apprentice.

Micah Sell

Micah Sell was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he began his career in circus and gymnastics. He began dancing in 2009 at the Metropolitan Ballet Academy under the direction of Lisa Collins, mentored by Sarah Mettin. After graduating from high school, he studied at the Purchase College Conservatory of Dance, where he performed works by Doug Varone, Bret Easterling, and Martha Graham, among others. Outside of school, he had the opportunity to perform works by Victor Quijada and Mark Caserta. In 2024, Micah received his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Purchase College, SUNY with a concentration in composition. This is his first season with RUBBERBAND as an apprentice.