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NSO National Trustees

The National Trustees are an important resource for the National Symphony Orchestra. They provide financial support for the Orchestra’s education programs, projects, and national and international touring programs. Additionally, they offer counsel to the Board of Directors in matters regarding the national and international scope of the Orchestra’s activities.

Gerald L. Kohlenberger, VA, Chairman
Jeri Crawford, NV, President
Theresa Thompson, VA, VP Membership
Robert Naparstek, RI, VP Development
Erin Arrison, District of Columbia, VP Summer Music Institute
Jessine Monaghan, District of Columbia, VP Special Events and Meetings

Ex-Officio Positions
Jennifer Fischer*, MI, Immediate Past Chairman
Michael Mayton*, AR, Past Chairman
Jessine Monaghan, District of Columbia, Past Chairman
Mary K. Abercrombie*, ID, Past Chairman

William F. Achtmeyer, MA
Ross Ain*, District of Columbia
Sara Armstrong, NM
Herschel V. Beazley, GA
Susan McIntosh Bentley, FL
Amy Rice Blumenthal, NC
Nancy J. Davis, FL
Gail Charnley Elliott, CT
Mary Galvin, IL
Morgan K. Herterich, SC
Khaled Juffali, Saudi Arabia
Lou C. Kerr, OK
Tom Mims, FL
Purvi Patel Albers, TX
Patty Levaur Rome, CA
Jeannette J. Segel, AZ
Mei-lan E. W. Stark, CA
Jerome F. Trautschold*, FL
Paul Wiggin, IL
John Wohlstetter,  SC
Stephen T. Young, GA

*Executive Committee Member-At-Large