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Our Organization
Boise Little Theater

to our 75th consecutive season! Our community theater appreciates your support. Some theater reminders and procedures:

  • Refreshments are available before performances and during intermission.
  • You are welcome to bring your drinks into our Barbara Beautrow Auditorium. Purchases from Bar BLT benefit Boise Little Theater, while $1 bottled waters or $1 cookies assist the theater’s scholarship programs. To learn more about our scholarships, TAP HERE. To donate to our scholarship funds, please TAP HERE.
  • If you would like to meet the cast and crew after the show, please go to the green room at the back of our building.
  • Smoking and vaping are not allowed anywhere in our building.
  • Box office hours are Mon-Fri, 12 pm-4 pm, and an hour before curtain. Buy advance tickets to reduce lines & be seated sooner!
Our Organization

Boise Little Theater (BLT) uses theatre arts to enrich lives in our community by presenting different perspectives to promote empathy, and by encouraging laughter, critical thinking, physical activity, and fellowship.

Prior to the pandemic, our organization had served our Treasure Valley for 72 years providing up to 7 shows a season plus one production with young adults in conjunction with Boise Parks and Recreation. In a typical season, over 12,000 people attended shows at Boise Little Theater. Spreading awareness of our nonprofit status and reliance on ticket sales is key for our growth. Of course, donations and alternative revenue sources are vital to our organization now, but so is greater community involvement.

Theater is about relationships. Our art elicits empathy, asks for reflection, expects change, and requires cooperation. Theater is for everyone.


Darin Vickery

Board of Directors
Paul Archibeque
Kim Carter-Cram
Jillian Durrant
Jonathan Perry
Elizabeth Greeley
Katie Shuter Rompala

Business Manager
Patti Finley

We’d also like to recognize

Glenda Talbut

Hahn & Associates

Box Office Staff
Tristan Berg, Sarah Church Carroll

Building & Grounds
Jim Anderson, Jim Koeppl, John Myers, Brad Ooley

Nancy Suiter

Green Room Gazette Ed
Elizabeth Greeley

Shirley Blauer

Headshot Photographer
Steve Strickland

Joanna Marshall

Joanna Marshall

Lobby Display
Jo-Ann Jones

Lobby Poster Artist
Jeanna Vickery

Meeting Refreshments
Jay Parker

Membership Chair
Helene Myers

Membership Orientation & Activation Chair
Katie Shuter Rompala

Program Designer
Jeanna Vickery

Scholarship Chairperson
Nancy Shankweiler

Script Committee Chair
Katie Shuter Rompala

Supervising Director
Paul Archibeque

Supervising House Mgr
Sarah Church Carroll

Supervising Lighting & Sound Master
John Myers

Supervising Props Manager
Gary Miller

Supervising Stage Manager
Jay Parker

Cheryl Blauer, Elizabeth Greeley, Lynda Snodgrass

House Staff

Boise Little Theater is a nonprofit, volunteer organization. We reward our volunteer ushers and house staff with a ticket to a future show! If you would like to help, please contact our Supervising House Manager at sarahchurchcarroll@gmail.com.

Boise Little Theater deeply appreciates those who have volunteered to usher and serve as house staff for this production, enabling BLT to welcome in-person audiences once again:

Don Mummert
Jody Mummert
Lynne Tucker
Shari Rogers
Sarah Bray
Bonner Bray
Eileen Mello
Steve Davis
Bob Floyd
Jaclyn Hampton
Tyler Scott
Odess Crutchfield
Anissa Faddis
Michael Rauer
Gretchen Rauer
Matthew Rauer
Mike Carroll
Sarah Church Carroll
Jo-Ann Kachigian
Sandra Yonan
Kay Mack
Eileen Mello
Marie Macklin
Shelley Ward
Mary Morris
Sharon Rosenberg
Bruce Rosenberg
Greg Hemmert
Kim Hemmert
Katharine Tibbits

Past Presidents

Hugh Hough* (1948-1949)

Howard Stinson* (1949-1950)

Vaughn Price* (1950-1951, 1962-1963)

Everell Jefferson* (1952-1953)

Nathan Scott* (1953-1954, 1958-1959)

Roy Maxey* (1954-1955)

Sheridan Gill* (1955-1957)

Allan Barrows* (1957-1958)

J. Edwin Spence* (1959-1960)

James Branson* (1960-1961)

Lumir A. Gerner* (1961-1962)

John Fairchild* (1963-1964)

Maynard Smith* (1964-1965, 1968-1969)

Jay Sherlock* (1965-1966)

Paul Moehlman* (1966-1967)

John Kirk* (1967-1968)

Dr. William Shankweiler* (1969-1971)

John Voulkos* (1971-1972)

Ev Andrews* (1972-1973)

Don Mummert (1973-1975, 1984-1985)

Chuck Mary* (1975-1976)

Marie Blanchard (1976-1977)

Ralph Stuart* (1977-1978)

Dorothy Mousetis* (1978-1980)

Ray Strickland* (1980-1981)

Erv Johnson (1981-1982)

Del Andrews* (1982-1983)

Ambrose Baltes* (1983-1984)

Gennie Ison* (1985-1986)

Nancy Shankweiler (1986-1988)

I.J. Longeteig* (1988-1990)

Helen Irwin* (1990-1991)

Jerry Garber (1991-1993)

John Elliott* (1993-1995)

Barbara Beautrow* (1995-1997)

Evelyn Sherod* (1997-1998)

Gloria Salladay* (1998-1999)

Joe Posluszny* (1999-2003)

Helen Posluszny (2003-2005)

Wendy Koeppl (2005-2010)

John Myers (2010-2019)

Frank White (2019-2020)
