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Get Involved
Boise Little Theater
Get Involved

Are you interested in getting involved at Boise Little Theater?

Contact us through this website, visit BLT on Facebook, or attend a general business meeting. It is a great way to introduce yourself to directors, theater members, board members, and others who could use your help. Whether you are interested in acting, directing, working backstage, or ushering, we welcome new volunteers! Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of every month (except June, July, August, and December) at 7:00 pm. Our meetings are now in-person and masks are required. Join us Monday, Sept 19 at 7:00 pm for BLT’s next general business meeting at the theater. You can check our “Green Room Gazette” for more details. 

Have an idea for a show BLT should do? Send us the script! Thanks for helping us shape future seasons!

There are usually many different volunteer opportunities at Boise Little Theater. When we are able to safely meet in person, here are some ways you can help:

Refreshments: If you would like to volunteer to bring snacks to a membership meeting, please contact Jay Parker at dbrat_1974@yahoo.com to coordinate refreshments.

Ushering: BLT needs ushers to help with programs, water bottles, & guiding patrons to their new seats for in-person shows. BLT has new protocols to protect patrons & volunteers while welcoming audiences back to BLT. To volunteer, please review our procedures [boiselittletheater.org/covid-19-update] & email Sarah, our Supervising House Manager at sarahchurchcarroll@gmail.com, or call 208-342-5104.

Would you like to work on a show as a stage manager, designer, lights or sound operator, costumer, or other crew position? Please email boxoffice@boiselittletheater.org.

If you are interested in directing a show for BLT, you will need to have previous community theater directing experience and experience as an assistant director at BLT.

Call 208-342-5104 or email boxoffice@boiselittletheater.org with questions.

Become a member of Boise Little Theater

Your Boise Little Theater Working Membership can be completed by phone or mail. To renew by check, please mail your membership dues at the new rate ($10 for individuals, $20 for families) to the box office at 100 E Fort St, Boise ID 83712. If you prefer to pay with a card, please call our helpful box office staff at 208-342-5104.

Applications for renewals or new memberships are available to download here: https://secureservercdn.net/

Especially now, your membership dues are needed and appreciated! Thank you.