Irvine Barclay Theatre Donors
Irvine Barclay Theatre
Public Partners

City of Irvine

University of California, Irvine

Season Sponsor

UCI Health

Venue Sponsor

Lugano Diamonds

Corporate Sponsor

Haskell & White LLP

Premier Patron Society - Impresario


Worah Family Foundation

Premier Patron Society - Maestro


Tom and Mayumi Adams

Clifford and Jennifer Cheng

Eugene and Carol Choi

Gerrit and Amy Cole Foundation

The Hiland Foundation

Christy and Lou Marlin

Thomas Rogers and

Sally Anderson

Joel and Judy Slutzky

in Honor of Ellie Gordon

Al Spector and Tatjana Soli

Richard and Elizabeth Steele Fund

Judy and Wes Whitmore

Premier Patron Society - Virtuoso


Bobbi Cox

Alison Moore Cotter

Gary Fabian and Deb Solon

David and Trudi Gartley

Michael and Eleanor Gordon

Haskell & White LLP

Harason Horowitz

Mark Chapin Johnson Foundation

Terry and Judy Jones

Robert Kazer and Jill Richter

Jennifer Klein

Karen Kuo-Limb and Jong C. Limb

Jerry and Whitney Mandel

Goran Matijasevic

Dot and Rick Nelson

William and Janice Parker

Family Fund

Robert E. Romney

Richard and Cheryll Ruszat-

Montessori Schools of Irvine

Greg Zaret

Charlie and Ling Zhang

Premier Patron Society - Partner


The Bish Family

Rohit Deshpande and

Anita Watumull

Paul and Anne Devore

Chuck and Janet Henze

Eleanor Jaffy and Andrew Vollero

Jack and Joy Kayajanian

Lewis Family Charitable Gift Fund

Josh Martin, Emerald Real Estate

Partners, and Tom Politowski

James McGaugh

Christopher and Lynne Ramsey

Ron and Margaret Redmond

Salwa Rizkalla

Craig and Kirsten Springer

Alexander Stimpson

Barclay Associates - Soloist


Joe Baker and Elliott Komhauser

Ellen Breitman and

Brien Amspoker

Michael and Melanie Cooper

Albert Encinias

Loren Hansen and

Lorraine Caukin

Neal and Andrea Littlejohn

Natalie Miles

Tom and Debbie Newmeyer

Mark J. Nielsen

Arthur Ong and Ginger Sun

Derrick and Natalia Ostensen

Bill and Joyce Perrone

Greg and Mishel Rohl

Chiyo and Stanton Rowe

Diane Stovall

Eric and Donna Stovner

Mary Watson-Bruce

Brian and Beth West

Kurt and Ellen Youngs

Barclay Associates - Champion


Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams Jr.

Beth and Michael Adler

Stephen and Mary Auerbach

Richard Alexander

Karen Hohman Almeida and

Edgilson Almeida

Scott and Katherine Arbuckle

Diane and Dennis Baker

Bayside Restaurant

James Carter

Denise Chilcote

Bob and Burnetta Denham

Ernest and Gail Doe

Arlene and Steven Fienberg

Douglas and Kathleen Forde

Julie Garn

Margaret Gates, with gratitude for

your education commitment

Gilbert Gluck

Geeta and Sanjiv Grover

Greg and Sumie Haase

Ramya Harishankar and

Harish Murthy

Jean Hendrickson

Karen Kewell Jacoby

Liza Krassner

Hilary Lemansky

Rachel Levin

Duane and Kathie Mauzey

Toni* and Terry McDonald

Nikki Meyers

James Pick and Rosalyn Laudati

Edward and Diana Putz

Joel B. Rothman

Debbie and Frank Rugani

Sally Anne and Don Sheridan

Jo Anne and Bob Simon

Nancy Smith

Robert and Veronica Start

Renee Walter

Lynn Weiser and Mike Tompkins

Michele and Irwin Walot

Martha Weida


Barclay Associates – Benefactor


John W. Ballantyne

Nancy and Wayne Broadhag

Joan M. Donahue

Kevin Finley

Christine Fluor and

Walter Scacchi

S. Glass Family

Gary Good and Jackie Charnley

1st Lt. Edwin Henderson

Joanne and Dennis Keith

Kathleen Koch

John LaRue

John Long and Tamara Taylor

John Maitino

Carol and Tim McMahon

Meredith Michaels

Maryellen Musgrave

Marcia Novegrod

Rey O’Day

James and Lynn Payne

Mike and Lucy Peak

Tom and Barbara Peckenpaugh

Jill M. Prentice

Otto Reyer

Dr. Stephen Rochford

Karen Rook

Tracie Rotter

Thomas and Brenda Sabin

Gary and Melanie Singer

Emily Crean Vogler

Charles and Marilyn Wright


Barclay Associates – Advocate


ADVOCATE / $250-499

The Aber Group Inc

Oscar R. Aguirre

Bernice Arrieta

Bruce Beckman

Mark and Sharon Berman

William and Annette Blaney

Janet Bonnefin

Mrs. Emiliana Borrelli

Mr. William Bowermaster

Scott Brinkerhoff

Dr. Shigeru Chino

Mary Cobb

Donna Cox

Anahid Crecelius

Alice Creighton

Mike Davis

Mary Susan Denley

Nancy Bonner Eisenberg

Jacqueline Fox

David Fukuda

Howard Gleicher

MarK Gordon

Fred and Cheryl Heinecke

Holmes Family

Haylee Homs

Susanna Hugelshofer

Jessica Kaltman and

Robert Reznik

Kyle and Cherrill Kawakami

Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Kelleher

Dana Klein

Michael and Elaine Kleinman

Richard Krey

Kerry Krisher

Holly Larson

Bruce Larson

Michael Lawler

Han and Martin Le

Vicki and Richard Lee

Cheryl and James Lewis

Kent and Yumi Livesay

Edward Luedke

Michael and Charisse Lyseight

Capt. Kevin M. Mac Donnell

Susan M. Mason

Thomas Mason

John and Deborah Middlebrooks

William Miller

Julie Nakata and Walter Takeda

Peter and Alexandra Neptune

Lauren and Richard Packard

Omkar Patne

Cyrus Parker-Jeannette

Dolly A. Platt, PhD

Dorcas Preston

Andreana Souleles

Mr. Walter and Dr. Masami Stahr

George Suranyi

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Sutton

Robert Vega

Mark and Lou-Ann Weltman

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Williams

Andrew and Wendy Yurcho


Barclay Associates – Friend


Brian and Gloria Abrams

Mary Anne Anthony-Smith

Jo Ann Anthony

Theresa Battel

Rosanne and William Beam

Sally Bender

Stephen and Susan Billard

Chris Blank and Josie Badeaux

Gene Bohlmann

Carol Boot-Storie

Suzanne Boras

Tim Boulger

Kerry and Paul Boulian

William J. Brennan

Steven Brenneis

Deborah Brin

Gary and Wendy Bryan

Ronald Castro

Patrick Chambers

Joe and Barbara Chamberlain

Grace Chen

Kathryn and Jacob Clark

Brad Crosley

Charles Davison

Arturo and Domna Del Rio

Robert Dobbins

Ann Donat

Ron and May Duff

Ernest Duarte

Paul Findlay and Doug Ward

Lewis Ewing

Joanne Fernbach

Francis and Ruby Foo

Jeannine Ford

Aviva and Fred Forster

Roberta Fox

Ellen Fujikawa

Peter Gavin

Stanford Gertler

Curtis Gibbs

Kevin and Candice Gomez

Roger and Patt Grable

Mary Graham

Terrence Greeson

Tim Harward

Maureen J. Heaton

Richard and Jaqueline Heyendal

Lawrence Hoff

Peter Holden and Angela Howley-Holden

Mrs. Pamela Horowitz

Eleanor Kawakami

Sara Kishner

Rosa Kwong

Robert Lechich

Tae Lee

Scott Lewis

Anne Llewellyn

Willard and Bettina Loomis

Ramon Lugo

Christian and Sharon Maas

Madere Family

Amira Mansour

Christine A. Marx

David and Teryl McDermott

Patricia M McIntyre

John Miles

Harvey Miller

Lutz Moeckel

Elaine and Cameron Mummery

Ramon Munoz

David Murray

Mrs. Margaret Nolde

Dr. Diane O'Dowd

Julie Cabos Owen 

Mrs. Cheer Pan

Tom Pardue

Barbara Paulson

Boyd Philpot

Chara Quintero Inc. Orthodontics

Brad Rawlins

Lynn Reck

Shabana Rehman

Stephanie Rossman

Kathleen Saunders

Barry Saywitz

Johnathan Schiesel

Kent Sentinella

Carol and Richard Smith

Dorothy J. Solinger

Tina Sommers-Bernhardt

Jack Spiegel

Hugh Stevenson and Jan Burns

Daniel and Jeanne Stokols

Ingrid Strayer

Martha Topik

Kay Torell

Christopher Trela & ArtsPR

Margaret Vaneck

Joanne Vargas

Sandra Vaughan

Linda Venezia

Kathy Vickers

Fred and Patricia Viele

Mary Von Dem Bussche

Ms. Anne Walthall

Shoulee Wang

Allen Warner

Dr. Richard Weiss

Stevenson Weitz

Thomas and Lynn West

Richard and Barbara Wilkes



Christopher Blank and Josie Badeaux

Jerry and Vivien Bonicelli

Nancy and Wayne Broadhag

Jacob and Kay Clark

Charles and Maureen Davison

Jack Elitzak

John Elwood

Eduardo and Elsie Espinosa

Kevin and Stephanie Finn

Kevin and Candice Gomez

Roger and Patt Grable

Arlene and Mike Kato

Kyle and Cherrill Kawakami

Duane and Kathie Mauzey

Brian and Ann Marie Miller

Janis and Dave Murray

Hon. Julie A. C. Owen

Christopher and Lynne Ramsey

Brad and Susie Rawlins

Cindy Thomas

Fred and Patricia Viele

Bruce and Susie White

Andrew and Wendy Yurcho


$75 monthly

Laurie Anderson

Paul and Cathy

Lisa Hudson

T. Sommers-Bernhardt

National Choreographers Initiative

As a partner in the annual National Choreographers Initiative, Irvine Barclay Theatre is also pleased to acknowledge all those who support this important contribution to American dance.

William H. Bardens 

Victoria Barrett 

Dr. Michael Bear 

Ellen Breitman 

Darci Linkey Bodin 

Laurie and Bart Brown 

David and Beverly Carmichael 

James Carter 

Terry Causey 

Bobbi Cox 

Sophia and Larry Cripe 

Ms. Diane Diefenderfer 

Joy Dittberner 

Gale Edelberg and Bob Butnik 

Henry and Janet Eggers 

David Emmes 

Mary and Andrew Franklin 

Ms. Judith Gorski 

Dr. Denis Leon Gray 

Carol Hamiltin 

Mr. David Hanlon 

The Hiland Foundation 

Janice Hobbs 

Chuck Johnston 

Gail Kalscheur 

Dr. Burton L. Karson 

Joanne and Dennis Keith 

Lorenzo and Karen Knapp 

Gilian Finley and Robert Labaree 

Ms. Molly Lynch 

Mr. & Ms. Maurice Mandel 

Ms. Rita Mitchell 

Kathryn Lynch and Robert McDonnell 

Sharon McNalley 

Kelley McNamee 

Edward McPherson 

Rachelle Menaker 

Marcia Pendjer and John Miller 

Margi and John Murray 

Reiko and Mitsuhiko Nakano 

Janice and Richard Plastino 

Ms. Robbie Prepas 

Edward and Diana Putz 

Paula Reiter 

Barbara Roberts 

Michelle Rohe 

Dr. Ivar Roth 

Sally Anne and Don Sheridan 

Jack and Katy Schellerman 

Ms. Weny Seyb 

Sally Anne and Don Sheridan 

Joseph Sheridan 

Richard and Ann Sim 

Smith-Walker Foundation 

John Stahr 

Robert Strang 

Jennifer Szabo 

Barbara and Jack Tingley 

Lynn Weiser and Mike Tompkins 

Steve and Linda Weitz 

Mary Vensel and T. Jason White 

Karen Zfaty