Your tax-deductible donation to the HSO’s Annual Fund provides critical funds that support all of our programs in Greater Hartford! Please consider renewing your support now, making an extra gift, or choosing this time to pay your outstanding pledge to our Annual Fund to help maintain our operating needs.
Many companies will match any charitable contributions made by their employees! Check with your employer to see if your company offers a Matching Gifts program. Your support could be doubled or tripled!
If you have any questions about the Annual Fund, contact Assistant Manager of Donor Engagement, Deb Shulansky at or
(860) 760-7302.
You can make your donation online by filling out the below form. If you prefer to send a check, please make it out to “Hartford Symphony Orchestra” and mail to:
Your support for the Hartford Symphony Orchestra ensures that extraordinary music and music initiatives thrive in our region! Through immersive, innovative performances, and outstanding musicianship, the HSO engages thousands across our communities, year after year.
Learn more about our featured donors and what inspires them to give to the HSO :
Give to hear the music. As a non-profit organization the HSO relies on the generosity of its donors. The HSO’s exciting and innovative programming brings a new dimension to the artistry of Hartford, from Masterworks to POPS! to the Talcott Mountain Music Festival. Your gift enables the HSO to perform inspirational, original and groundbreaking concerts.
Give to our community. The HSO provides music and instruction to more than 22,000 children and adults in our community through our flagship Symphony in the Schools program and myriad of educational and community programs in more than 110 schools throughout the state. Your gift will inspire creativity in classrooms across our region.
Give to be a part of the arts in Hartford. Music is the foundation upon which every great community is built. For more than 70 years, the Hartford Symphony Orchestra has been a leader among arts organizations in Hartford, employing more than 200 musicians who live and work in our area. Your gift brings together those musicians and music lovers.
Give to honor someone. A gift to the HSO will support important community outreach programs like Musicians Care Project. This program brings the harmony of the HSO to residents in assisted living facilities who would otherwise be unable to enjoy and experience the beauty of live music. Give in honor of someone you love – your gift will make a difference in the lives of so many.
Give to help cultivate a love of music. Link up guides students grades 3-5 through a year-long music curriculum culminating in a concert performance with the HSO at The Bushnell. Your gift will bring music into the lives of children and inspire them to succeed in school and beyond.
Give to express love: The love of music, the love of one another, the love of the arts. Your gift enables the artistry of the HSO to be experienced throughout the region, bringing the highest quality music to our community.
Learn more about giving to the HSO.
We thank the following individuals who contributed to the HSO’s Annual Fund
within the last 15 months as of 1/1/2025
*10+ years of consecutive giving | **20+ years of continued giving
Francis Goodwin Circle
$25,000 and above
Beth & Rick Costello
Jerry & Barbara Hess*
Chloe & Wesley Horton**
Kristen Phillips & Matt Schreck
David & Linda Roth*
President Circle
$10,000 - $24,999
Robert C. Bausmith &
Jill M. Peters-Gee, M.D.
Suzanne & John Bourdeaux
Ms. Nancy A. Brennan
Coleman H. &
Jo Champlin Casey**
Nancy Compton**
Ms. Hermine J. Drezner
Stanley & Susan Fellman*
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Garthwait, Jr.*
Bob & Frankie Goldfarb*
Arnold C. Greenberg
Mathew & Valerie Jasinski
Brook & Charlotte Jason**
Janet Link
Mr. Matthew H. Lynch &
Ms. Susan M. Banks*
Michael & Genevieve Pfaff*
Mary T. Sargent**
Claudia M. Shelton
Ruth & Howard Sovronsky
Alex & Patricia Vance**
Elizabeth A. Vandeventer
Gary & Diane Whitney*
Gold Circle
$5,000 - $7,499
Peter L. Anderson
Lynette Ashby
Bruce Barth &
Pamela Yeomans Barth
Jonathan Beck
Jenefer & Frank Berall
Jim & Joan Betts**
Sarah & Jeff Burns
Bill Cannon & Kent Holsinger
The Cheryl Chase and Stuart Bear Family Foundation, Inc.**
Margaret J. Coe
Jeff and Andrea Cohen
Luis Federico Diez-Morales
Timothy & Janet Ellsworth
William Fuller
Mr. & Mrs. Gossner
MaryEllen M. &
Pierre H. Guertin**
Neale & Carol Hauss**
Leesa & Steve Heath
Alyce & David Hild*
Francys Jesson
Sylvia & Harvey Kelly*
Konover Coppa Family Fund
at the Hartford Foundation
for Public Giving
Bernard & Gale Kosto**
Lois Koteen
Christopher Larsen**
Nancy & Jerry Lemega
In Memory of George Merrow
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Miller
Bob & Lynn Murray
Robert & Margaret Patricelli Family Foundation
Gary & Diane Ransom**
Ms. Kristin Roger
Patricia & Andrew Salner**
Sharon & Tom Shea
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin S. Shirley
Mr. Joseph Spada
Keith & Catherine Stevenson
Eric & Holly Sundquist
Jeff & Pam Verney
The Zachs Family**
Maestro Society
$2,500 - $4,999
Chris & Gay Adams
Patricia Connolly &
June Archer
Duffield Ashmead and Eric D. Ort
Kenneth & Judith Boudreau
Wes & Joann Boyd
Eleanor N. Caplan**
Karen Saunders & David Cass
Jared Chase
Dr. Michael E. Cucka MD
Barbara O. David*
Susan & Robert Fisher**
Anne C. Fitzgerald
Muriel & Karl Fleischmann**
Rona B. Gollob
Peter Grzybala &
Diane Korntheuer
Ms. Laura R. Harris
Mark & Marianne Hayes
Jeffrey & Nancy Hoffman
Jay & Mimi Hostetter
Helen Hughlett
Susan & Bob Izard*
Janet Keough
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Levin
Irene J. Loretto**
Mr. John Nealon &
Ms. Pamela Lucas
Anita & William Mancoll
Arthur Masi & Brian Hentz*
Mr. George H. Mason
Nick Mason
Peggy & Alan Mendelson
Bob & Ami Montstream**
Reba & Arthur Nassau
Mary and Charles Petras
Dr. & Mrs. Allan Reiskin**
James S. & Nancy Taggart Remis**
Dara K. Ribicoff
John and Laura Roche
Dr. Jeffrey Rudikoff & Edee Tenser
Philip & Starr Sayres
David Schupp and
Patricia Connolly
Patricia B. Snyder
Karen & Howard Sprout*
Hildegard Sterling
Diane Stock
Jonas V. Strimaitis, Esq.
Sally & Allan Taylor
Betsy & Matthew Udal
Dr. & Mrs. Dean F. Uphoff*
Carlisle Wildeman
Helen & Alfred G. Wilke
Bernard J. Zahren**
Concertmaster Club
$1,000 - $2,499
Cynthia Abrams
John & Shireen Aforismo
Vicki & Leonard Albert
Mr. & Mrs. Bryant Andrews
Jane Arnold
Elizabeth Ash
Tom & Melanie Barnes Family Fund at the Main Street Community Foundation
Marissa Baum
John & Susan Beers**
Joanne Berger-Sweeney &
Urs Berger
Eric & Lisa Besman
Katherine Black
Dr. & Mrs. Jack Blechner
Drs. Scott Boden and Mary Ayre
Robert & Christine Bogino
Catherine Boulant
Danielle Bousquet
Linda P. and Theodore J. Bruttomesso, Jr.
Michael Carbonetta and
Amanda Stanton
Howard Case
Polly U. Champ
The Chaurette Family
Patricia A. Ciccone &
JoAnn Freiberg
Dr. & Mrs. Bernie Clark*
Bob & Jean Collins
Steve & Kim Collins
Robert H. Connell &
Michelle Duffy
Carol & Tim Covello*
John & Sheila D'Agostino
Carolyn D'Alessandro
Donald Davidson
Guy & Lori DeFrances, Jr.
Barry & Pauline Dickstein
Kate & Jon Dixon
Hollis G. Dorman
James Estrada & Michele Jacklin
Anita & Tony Ferrante*
Charley Ferrucci
Dan & Joni Fine
Vaughan Finn & Steve Nightingale
Mr. Lawrence R. Fish*
Mike Foley
Paul & Mary Fox
Suzanne Gates
Jean Cadogan & Alden Gordon
William Gorton
Keith Grant
Dr. Martha March Greenwood & Mr. David Levin
Wendy M. Haller
Mort & Irma Handel**
Ms. Bette J. Hardersen
Shelley Heinemann
Samuel & Marcia Hinckley
Shepherd M. Holcombe, Jr.
Richard & Beverly Hughes
Calvin & Anne Hulstein
Priscilla Hurley
Albert G. Ilg
Mr. & Dr. Richard Johnston
David & Carol Jordan
Diana J. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Kemmerer
Claire & Jan Kennedy
Barbara & Paul Kiefer
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Kleinman
Nancy Kline & James Trail
James Knox
Jennifer Kreamer
Lisa Kugelman, M.D. &
Roy Wiseman
Cary and Beth Lakenbach
Adlyn & Ted Loewenthal
Gerry Lupacchino &
Lynn Beaulieu
Mrs. Leta Marks
Richard McCarty
Wolfried & Anita Mielert**
Lois Muraro and Carl Elsishans*
Mrs. Sarmite F. Nielsen
Don Noel
April Nunn
Mark & Dianne Orenstein
Katherine Papathanasis
Gerry Pastor & Jane Porterfield
Mr. and Mrs. Brewster Perkins
David Pettyjohn
Elizabeth Kaczynski Phelan
Andrew and Anne Pinto
Scott & Beth Powell
Martey Rhine
Mrs. Belle K. Ribicoff
Linda & Ian Rickard
Robert & Marguerite Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Rosow
Marshall & Sandra Rulnick
Patricia H. Sagal
Ann Sagalyn, D.M.D.
Matthew Salner
Ronald & Judy Schlossberg
Jeanne & Erling Schmidt*
Giuliana Musilli & Scott Schooley
Celeste & John Senechal
Jack & Donna Sennott
Paul Serenbetz
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Setlow
The Shulansky Foundation, Inc.**
John & Nancy Silander
Amy Lynn Silverman**
Stuart & Arline Small Sadaka Foundation, Inc.
Mark Smith and
Barbara Veale Smith
Mark & Linda Sperry
Carrie & Mike Stockman
Margery & Stephen Swigert
E. Renee Tehi & Jeffrey R. Hughes
Mrs. Beverly Thomas
The Tolsdorf Family
Dougie & Tom Trumble
Mr. Robert J. von Dohlen**
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Ward
Dr. & Mrs. John R. Waterman
Dudley & Geraldine Watkins
Jacqueline Werner
Elizabeth White**
Thomas Wildman**
David & Phyllis Winer*
Melinda Mason & Randy Yanoshak
Soohyung Yoo & Jeremy Hwang
David & Sabine Zell
Lawrence Zemel, M.D. &
Eliane Sandler
Principal Club
$500 - $999
Ruth Alexander
Elizabeth S. Allen
Keith & Kathy Baksa
Joanne E. Beers and Earl Cree
Mr. and Mrs.
Edward H. Bengelsdorf
Mrs. Arthur Blumberg
Richard Boccaccio
Dr. and Mrs. Nelson Bondhus
Anne Bracker & Jefferson Singer
Dr. John Brancato &
Mr. Thomas Richardson
Ms. and Mr. Meryl M. Braunstein
Anne & Kenneth Brock Fund of the Cape Cod Foundation
Ms. Gilda S. Brock
Kim Curtin
Thomas & Margo Burns
Therese Cain
Dr. & Mrs. J.T. Cardone
Mr. Joseph R. Carlson
Melody Christopher
Patricia A. Clifford
Naomi & Michael Cohen
Donna A. Collins
Ellen Conlin
Meaghan Cooper &
Matthew Weiner
William & Marilyn Cox
Mary H. Crary**
Dr. David Crombie
Linda R. Cromwell
Carol Crosset
Joe & Carolyn Dawkins
Virginia de Lima
William & Joan Delaney
Denise Desmarais
Mr. & Mrs. John Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Ellis
The Enders Family
Jean Esselink
Steve and Emmy Fast
David Fechtor and Kendra Dowd
Beth & Phil Ferrari
Larry & Beverly Fleming
Alan and Margreet Francis
Dianne & Jim Friedman
Mr. & Mrs. Jay G. Fromer
Martin & Brenda Geitz
Mr. Peter Giammarco
Nancy Goodwin
Barnaby W. Horton &
Hannah Granfield-Horton
Lisa and Gary Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Green
Reverend and
Mrs. RichardÊ Grobe
Janna S. and Jeffrey B. Gross
Philip Grover
Doris & Raymond Guenter
Mr. & Mrs. Martin D. Guyer
Andrew R. Hahn &
Cathy J. Hitchcock
Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Hall
Merle & David Harris**
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Hawks-Ladds
Rhea P. Higgins
Don & Joanne Huelsman
Ms. Joan Hultquist & Ron Motter*
Eric R. Hutchinson and
Rebecca Boisvert
Hillary Huttenhower &
Justin Mackey
Mr. James Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. S. Edward Jeter
Ted & Nancy Johnson
Scott and Karen Kaeser**
Anne & George Kan
Richard & Catherine Kaplan
The Joseloff-Kaufman Family
Jim Kew
Donna & John Kidwell
Bob & Candy Killian
David & Ruth Krugman
John & Corky Larew
Dr. & Mrs. Charles N. Leach, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Legault
Michael S. & Carolyn W. Levine
Meredith Libbey
Sherry Manetta & Brian Harvey
Barri Marks and Woody Exley*
Tom Martin & Susan Spiggle
Ruth McElraevy
Edward & Nancy McEwan
Nan Meng
Timothy Michaels & Barbara Sweet
Judith L. Moeckel
Maureen Mohyde
Mr. Donald Moon &
Ms. Lucy Ferriss
Mary Lee Morrison
Chibuzo & Charlotte Obi
Reverend Joseph Pace
Martha and Ben Parish
Michael & Julie Pollard
Dr. Peter Prowda
Dougla Pyrke
Edward C. Raymond
George & Carol Reider
Dr. Andrew Ricci, Jr. and
Ms. Jacqueline Ann Muschiano
Sally & Dale Richter
Nancy & Stephen Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rubenstein
Ravi Ramanathan &
Subha Sankaran
Cheryl & Nild Sansone
Ms. Nancy R. Savin
Carol Scoville & Hans Walser
Dr. & Mrs. Gerard Selzer
Margaret & Ruben Shapiro
Deb Shulansky
Rev. Richard Simeone and
Rev. Lyn Brakeman
Nelson & Helen Sly
Michael Steinberg & Felice Heller
Ms. Sheila A. Sweeny
Orit & Jeff Tager
Cassandra Toscano
Dan & Jan Tracy
Scott & Marilyn Tracy
Margo Turrentine
Douglas & Mildred Unfried
James D. and Susan Vincent
Stephen & Usha Wade
John Weikart & Jennifer Chu
Judith & Joel Weisman
Kay Weiss
Greg & Kay Werk
Carol & Lee West
Richard C. & Carla S. Wilde
Karen & Philip Will
Dr. Harold T. Yamase
Steven Yau & Cherie Caluda
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Yutzey
Diane Zannoni &
Edward Mckenna
Player Club
$250 - $499
Susan & William Ackerman
Gaetano & Jayne Albani
Alan & Margaret Aleia
Ms. Virginia Allen
The Anderson Family
Glenn and Audra Antrum
Evjen Academy
Carol & Jeffrey Beitel
Deborah Walsh Bellingham
Larry & Corinne Berglund
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Berland
Dr. & Mrs. Bert B. Berlin
Wanda Schulman &
Harold Blinderman
Seymour Bloom & Deborah Elcock
Franck Blua
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip I. Blumberg
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boehm
Mr. and Mrs. John Boland
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Boone
George Bouthet
Maureen and Jerrod Bowman
Mr. Peter J. Y. Brazaitis, IV
Dr. and Mrs. James Brodey
Ms. Valerie Bryan
William Brydges
Greg Bubnash
Susan Buckey
Beth Bunko
Jonathan Cabral
Allison Cappuccio & Neil Connors
Clifford Carman
Damaris Carrero and Steven Torres
Patricia Checko
Mrs. Jenny Chere
Don & Nancy Clark
John K. Clark &
Judith M. Stoughton
Ledge Clayton
Ronald Coons
Joseph Coray
Dr. Roger D. Coutant
Janice Crowe
Nicole Dalto
Darcy G. Davis
Lois DeBoer
Howard & Shirley DeLong
Gail & Barry Deutsch
Rev. Joseph Devine
Mr. and Mrs. John DeWolf
Christopher & Pamela DiMartino
Jennifer Donovan
Brenda A. Draghi
Kristen L. Fallon
Susan FaVotico
Ashley Fedigan
Jonathan Hufstader &
Janis Franklin
The Gabree Family
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gaffney
Ms. Janice Gauthier
Dr. and Mrs. Barry J. Gelber
Lindsey Gendall & Jonathan Wang
Ellie Goldberg
James and Amy Goldman
Joel and Claudia Goodman
John M. Graff
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Green
Donna Groccia-Lubik
Carrie & Jonathan Hammond
Lawrence & Roberta Harris**
Charles Harvell
Linda Heidorn
Kelly Hernsdorf
Kent Herzog
David and Allison Hill
Marcia Hincks
Ann Hotchkiss
Barbara Davis Howard*
Kimberly Hudson
Kimball & Dorothy Hunt
Yussri R. Ibrahim
Cheryl Impellizzeri
Jacqueline Isaacson &
Louis Blumenfeld
Armando Zarazu & Nora Jara
Michael Johnson
Kim & Ewa Jones
Judith Jorgensen
John & Sharon Kelly
Elizabeth S. Kennard
William & Myra Kleinman
Ralph & Lin Klumb
Betty N. Knorr
Lucy Koo
Craig Kost
Jeffrey Kovach
Brian Krystof
David C. Lacoss
Mr. Raymond F. Laramie, Jr.
Rob Lentz and Anita Carpene
Doug & Susan Lint
Michelle Lobovits
Ken & Karen Loveland
Dr. Mark Ludwig
Mimi Lynch
Mrs. Sarah Heflin Lynn
Carol A. Rudert-Lyons &
Alan Lyons
William A. MacDonnell, D.D.S.
Mark & Linda MacGougan
Lisa Mack
Patricia Mahon
Alec Mandia
Ms. Patricia Manning and
Mr. Brad Burdick
Erin K. McGurk
Patrick McMahon
Diane McMahon-Pratt
Deborah & Peter Mehlman
Edward Meigs
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Miller
Peggy Miller
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Mirakian
The Moreland Family
John & Katherine Morgan
Jane Murdock
Susan Robbins Namerow
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Neuschaefer
Allison Nichols
Jan & Karl Norris
Julia & Jim O'Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey G. Olmstead
Beth Pacheco
LeonaMae Page
Sarah & Samuel Paul
Robert Pettit
Ms. Frances Porter
Carol Presutti
KathleenÊ Prewitt
Mr. and Mrs. James Price
Rebecca C. Rafferty
Tom & Maggie Rathier
Linda Regulbuto
Bob & Carol Rentz
Celia Ann Roberts
Dr. & Mrs. Eric Rosenberg
Bruce A. Rudolph
Robert and Rev. Carol Salka
Judith Satlof
Phyllis Satter
Jacqueline Scheib
Virginia Schwarz and
Katherine Garstka
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Scougall
Ellen & Ted See
Dr. and Mrs. Steven E. Selden
Barbara & Ted Sergi
Mary Shea
Michael & Jennifer Sheehan
Paul Shipman and Thomas Lee
Sara L. Bernstein &
Joseph M. Shortall
Irene & Allen Silberstein
Lisa & Joe Sindoni
Lyn Walker & Tyler Smith
Joanne Spence
Dennis J. Stanek, Jr. and
Jeanette R. Silvia Stanek
Dr. Ronni Stein
Mr. Craig Stowell
Jack Summers
Ms. Deborah Szajnberg
Bill & Judy Thompson
Kathy A. Thorsell
Merle & David Trager
Patricia W. Underwood
Elizabeth Van Gemeren
Ms. Harriet Vose
Cheryl & John Wadsworth
Dr. M Wainscoat and Family
Thomas & Sharene Wassell
Michael & Jacqueline Wasta
The Rev. & Mrs. Richard Watson
Sally Weisman
Curtis & Joyce Weybright
David and Joanne Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Woodward
James & Katherine Woodworth
Donald Workman
John Wyatt
Ellen & Peter Zeman
Carol Ziegenhagen
The Hartford Symphony Orchestra thanks the businesses, corporations, foundations, government agencies and others who contributed to the HSO’s programs, projects and services in the community, as of 1/17/2025.
ACMT, Inc.
AMCO Precision Tools, Inc.
Ana's Kitchen
Andy's Italian Kitchen Inc
Asylum Hill
Congregational Church
Axinn, Veltrop & Harkrider LLP
Bank of America
Barnes Group Foundation
Bauer Aerospace
Bemis Associates, LLC
Bradley, Foster & Sargent, Inc.
Brewster and Judith Perkins
BUDR Cannabis
CarePartners of Connecticut
Connecticut Humanities
Corbin Advisors
Department of Economic & Community Development
Doggie in the Window
Dr. Luis Diez-Morales, M.D. and Marta Diez
Duffield Ashmead
Elizabeth Carse Foundation, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee
Elliott Family Fund at HFPG
Evelyn Preston Memorial Trust
Eversource Energy
Fairview Capital
Federman, Lally & Remis LLC
Fitzgerald's Food Stores
Ford & Paulekas, LLP
Gawlicki Family Foundation
Global Atlantic
GM2 Associates Inc.
Goodspeed Musicals
Gottfried and Somberg
Wealth Management
Great American Donut, Inc
Greater Hartford Arts Council
Hartford Distributors, Inc.
Hartford Foundation for
Public Giving
Hartford HealthCare
Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company
Hartt School
HCL Technologies Ltd.
Hoffman Auto Group
Holloway's Appliance, LLC
Honfleur Gallery
Imagineers Inc.
Indicia Worldwide/ KMMS
J. Frank and Sharon Travis
J. Walton Bissell Foundation
Joseph Coray
Leading Culture Solutions
Legere Group Ltd
Liberty Bank
Lincoln Financial Foundation, Inc.
M&T Charitable Foundation
Madam To Sew Alterations
Maddiecam Enterprises, LLC
Mahoney Sabol & Company
Marcum LLP
Max Hospitality
McCarter & English
McLean Health Care
Metro Bis
Milk and Honey CT, LLC
Mill Restaurant Group
Mintz & Hoke Inc.
Minuteman Press
Motley Rice LLC
Mountain Development Corp.
Mr. & Mrs. William Foulds
Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs.
Christopher Benjamin
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Jason
Mr. Coleman Levy and Judie Levy
Mr. David Polk and
Mrs. Rennie Polk
Mr. David Roth
Mrs. Margy Steinberg
Murphy Road Recycling
NBT Bank
Paine's Recycling and
Rubbish Removal
Prime Materials Recovery
Pullman & Comley Attorneys at Law
Raytheon Technologies
Reid & Riege Foundation
Richard P. Garmany Fund at HFPG
Robert Half
Robert Hensley & Associates, LLC
Robinson & Cole LLP
Sack Energy Corp
Sam's Food Stores
Sardilli Fruit & Produce Co.
Seabury Active Life
Plan Community
Smile Studio Dentistry
Solinsky EyeCare LLC
Solinsky Hearing Center
South Ocean Capital
Specialty Printing, LLC
Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.
Taki Alsop Conducting Fellowship
Talcott Resolution
TAWANI Foundation
TD Bank
The Benevity Community
Impact Fund
The Bushnell Center for
the Performing Arts
Manufacturing Company
The Coffee Spot of Simsbury LLC
The Edward C. and
Ann T. Roberts Foundation
The Elizabeth M. Landon & Harriette M. Landon Foundation
The Ensworth Charitable Foundation
The George A. & Grace L. Long Foundation
The Hartford Insurance Group
The Katharine K. McLane and Henry R. McLane Charitable Trust
The LEGO Group, Inc.
The Musical Club of Hartford, Inc.
The Saunders Foundation
Three Men and a Lady, LLC
Travis Foundation
Turbine Controls, Inc.
University of Hartford
Viking Fuel Oil Company, Inc.
Wadsworth Atheneum
Webster Bank
Wells Fargo Advisors
Wesleyan University Graduate Liberal Studies
William and Alice
Mortensen Foundation
YMCA of Greater Hartford
Young Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
John & Shireen Aforismo
June Archer
Mr. John Aresco
Arunan Arulampalam
Jeffrey P. Chandler
Bruce Barth &
Pamela Yeomans Barth
Robert C. Bausmith & Jill M. Peters-Gee, M.D.
Evelyn Benoit & Tom Goodrum
Steve Bonafonte
Greg Bordanaro
Suzanne & John Bourdeaux
Wes & Joann Boyd
Mr. Peter J. Y. Brazaitis, IV
Linda P. and
Theodore J. Bruttomesso, Jr.
Carolyn Harris-Burney &
Jim Burney
Mr. and Mrs. John Byrnes
Mr. & Mrs. RogerÊ Cantello
Michael Carbonetta and
Amanda Stanton
Jared Chase
Isaiah Cochran
Donna A. Collins
Steve & Kim Collins
Meaghan Cooper &
Matthew Weiner
Andrew Crakes
Luis Federico Diez-Morales
Hollis G. Dorman
Danielle Douglas-Gabriel
Dana Drost
Mrs. Shirley S. Dudley
Kathryn Elliott
Herb Emanuelson
M Alan English
Bill Fish
Tim & Dina Fisher
Stephanie Fried
Michael Frisbie
Dexter Gabriel
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Garthwait, Jr.*
Robert W. Garthwait, III
Russell Gee
Ms. Emily Gianquinto
Rona B. Gollob
Barnaby W. Horton &
Hannah Granfield-Horton
Michael Guay
Luiz Gutierrez
Neale & Carol Hauss**
Jerry & Barbara Hess*
Eric R. Hutchinson and
Rebecca Boisvert
Mathew & Valerie Jasinski
Mr. Adam Jeamel
Francys Jesson
Sylvia & Harvey Kelly*
Celena and Jamie Knox
Christopher Larsen**
Max Lee
Jennifer Levine
Mark Christopher & Sarah Lewis
Janet Link
John Lockaby, Jr
SarahÊ Lombard
Mr. John Nealon &
Ms. Pamela Lucas
Melinda Mason
Danielle Maxwell
Tom McDermott
Dale Merrill
Nicholas and Joy Moncada
Tim Moore
Bob & Lynn Murray
Susan Robbins Namerow
Kara Nielsen
Jeffrey Ogbar
Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pagano
Kristen Phillips & Matt Schreck
Mrs. Rae E. Quinlan
Gary & Diane Ransom**
Ruth Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Roche
Ms. Kristin Roger
Mr. Donald W. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Rosow
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rubenstein
Mr. Rob Ruggiero
Jennifer & Steven Santucci
Amber Schilberg
Mr. Bernard Schilberg
Stephen Segalis
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin S. Shirley
Jay Sloves
Robert H. and Sharon W. Smith
Fred Soucy
Ruth & Howard Sovronsky
Mr. Joseph Spada
Andrew & Feather Spearman
Karen & Howard Sprout*
Sharon & Donald Steinle
Kurt Stielau
Maria Suchojad
The Elizabeth M. Landon & Harriette M. Landon Foundation
Carey & Olivia White
Mr. and Mrs. Elton Williams
Sandra Williams
Soohyung Yoo & Jeremy Hwang
Jessica & Eric Zachs*
The Zachs Family**
Lawrence Zemel, M.D. &
Eliane Sandler
This list represents commitments as of 1/17/2025
Fran Bard
Ms. Louise Gordona
Rob Beasley
Jane Murdock
Jonathan and Daki Chow
Mr. and Mrs. Barry P. Luke
Nancy Compton
The Shulansky Foundation, Inc.**
Maite Coyotl
Paul Serenbetz
Nick F.
Christiana Montalbano
Hannah Granfield-Horton
Grace Brangwynne
George Deleon
Chloe & Wesley Horton**
Matthew Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott B. Pollack
Beth Taylor
Jeffrey and Nancy Hoffman
Joel and Claudia Goodman
HSO Staff
Barnaby W. Horton & Hannah Granfield-Horton
Barbara and Paul Kiefer
Michael and Susan German
Carolyn Kuan
Carolyn Kuan
Susan Lane
Christopher Parent
Rich McCarty
Linda Heidorn
The Oakleaf Family
Elizabeth White**
Carol Olefsky
Brook & Charlotte Jason**
Doris Philbrick
David Philbrick
Kristen Phillips and Matt Schreck
Carole Olefsky
Rick Rozie
Brook & Charlotte Jason**
Marshall Rulnick
Morris W. Banks
Patricia Salner's parents
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Madfis
The Sellars Family
Elizabeth White**
Deb Shulansky
Fran Maltz
Lenny Sigal
Brook & Charlotte Jason**
Janice L. Tetreault
Brian Krystof
John Charles Thomas
Susan Robbins Namerow
Willie Anthony Waters
Helen & Alfred G. Wilke
The White Family
Elizabeth White**
Elizabeth White
Laurie Sellars
In Memory Of
Carol Voss Beers
Christopher Dutra
Carrie & Jonathan Hammond
The Princeton Charter Club
Ruth & Howard Sovronsky
Dr. Bruce A. Bellingham
Deborah Walsh Bellingham
Richard G. Broad
Richard & Patti Broad
James P. Burgoon
Martha and Ben Parish
Judith Collins
Ruth & Howard Sovronsky
Eric Dahlin
Jack Summers
Emma Geil
Shirley B. Murtha
Walter Gillis
Karen Gillis
Dr. D. Patricia P. Hatch
Mr. Gilbert Hatch, Jr.
Gilbert & Ruth Hershman
Marshall & Sandra Rulnick
Beverly G. Himelstein
Michael J. Moran
Shepherd M. Holcombe Sr.
Shepherd M. Holcombe, Jr.
Don Hughlett
Helen Hughlett
Ken Jacobson
Mr. Lawrence R. Fish*
Isador I. Janowsky
Robert Anderson
Brook & Charlotte Jason**
Joseph & Beth Seeley
Attorney and Mrs. Hugh M. Joseloff
The Joseloff-Kaufman Family
Peter Kalika
Joyce E. Kalika
Mark B. Keough
Janet Keough
David Klau
Ruth & Howard Sovronsky
Charls Koteen
Ruth & Howard Sovronsky
Frank Kulig
Michael & Julie Pollard
Ellis Levenson
Ellie Goldberg
Dr. Bruce Levy
Dr. Alicia Carmona-Levy
Ted Madfis
Ruth & Howard Sovronsky
Dorothy K. McCarty
Richard McCarty
Wilhelmina Meier
Robert and Rev. Carol Salka
Bob Montstream
Bob & Ami Montstream**
Moshe Paranov
Rose Gottfried
Claire Pryor
Coleman H. & Jo Champlin Casey**
Carrie & Jonathan Hammond
Jerry & Barbara Hess*
Fran & Bob Jeffreys
Susan and Peter Kelly
Scott Miller
David & Linda Roth*
Gerald Silverman
Robert H. and Sharon W. Smith
Ruth & Howard Sovronsky
The Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts
Alex & Patricia Vance**
Gary & Diane Whitney*
John R. Rafferty
Rebecca C. Rafferty
Morris & Sara Rulnick
Marshall & Sandra Rulnick
Eliane Sandler
Lawrence Zemel, M.D. & Eliane Sandler
Dr. Herbert Silver
Judith M. Silver
Jana Spacek
Patricia Aucoin
Mary Bawabe
Susan Buckey
Joan Butler
Linda Cohen
Michael Fuss
Jeffrey & Johanna Greenfield
Phyllis and Howard Small
Eleanor and Herman Stargardter
Grace Strake
Gloria Utzig
Barbara Spada
Ruth & Howard Sovronsky
Henry Skip Steiner
Sara Cole
Ralph and Bernita Sundquist
Eric & Holly Sundquist
Jeffrey Tager
Ruth & Howard Sovronsky
Nancy Wadsworth Underwood
Patricia W. Underwood
Henry Urbanski
Ashley Fedigan
Santo & Doris Vitale
Alan & Lydia Klatsky
This list represents commitments made within the last 12 months, as of 1/17/2025.
2024 Competition Sponsors
Richard P. Garmany Fund at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
Hoffman Auto Group
Dara Ribicoff
Supporters of the 2024 Young Artists Competition
Donna A. Collins
Hollis G. Dorman
Rona B. Gollob
Wendy M. Haller
Ms. Laura R. Harris
Jerry & Barbara Hess*
Jeffrey & Nancy Hoffman
Helen Hughlett
Claire & Jan Kennedy
Mary and Charles Petras
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Polk
Richard P. Garmany Fund at HFPG
Gary & Diane Whitney*
This list represents commitments as of 1/17/2025
Mr. Sheldon Agdens*
Susan Block*
G. P. Bodozian
Lori Poggi Bourret and Robert L. Bourret, Sr.
Nancy Braender*
Bill Cannon & Kent Holsinger
Joseph R. Carlson
Coleman H. & Jo Champlin Casey
Margaret J. Coe
Naomi & Michael Cohen
Joseph Cohn
Mary J. Converse*
Ruth Ann & Joel* Davis
John & Michele Dolan
Ann Drinan & Algis Kaupas
Virginia Farquhar*
Ivan Backer
Muriel Fleischmann
Karen L. Fritsche
Dr. Sid & Joy Glassman
Irma & Mort Handel
Jerry & Barbara Hess
Helen Hughlett
Ms. Marjorie W. Jolidon
Mr. Robert D. Jones*
John & Sharon Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Kemmerer
Nancy Kline & James Trail
Jan* and Chris Larsen
David Lesieur
Dr. Carolyn W. Lester
Ellis & Marjorie Levenson
Concettina L. Lewis*
Annette Marks
Mr. George H. Mason
Dorothy K. McCarty*
Mr. Charles B. Milliken
Carole A. Olefsky
LeonaMae Page
David & Christa Pannorfi
Kristen Phillips & Matthew Schreck
Dr. Peter M. Prowda
Dr. Andrew Ricci, Jr. & Ms. Jacqueline Ann Muschiano
John* & Sali* Riege
June Miller Rosenblatt*
David M. and Linda Roth
Marshall & Sandra Rulnick
Carol Wills Scoville
Mrs. Georgia Silliman*
Karen and Howard Sprout
Margery and Lewis Steinberg
Henry Skip Steiner*
Carol & Lee West
Helen S. Wills*
Louise Willson*
Katharine S. Winter*, in appreciation of the wonderful experiences at the HSO with her mother, Susan L. Winter
Susan L. Winter*
Henry M. Zachs
This list represents commitments made as of 1/17/2025
AAA Northeast Matching Gifts & Employee Giving
Adobe Matching Gifts and Employee Giving Program
Amerisure Insurance Matching Gift Program
Avangrid, Inc. Matching Gifts and Employee Giving
Bank of America Matching Gifts &
Employee Giving Program
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Matching Gifts and Employee Givin
Cigna Foundation Matching Gifts
Lincoln Financial Group Matching Gifts
Microsoft Matching Gifts and
Employee Giving Program
Munich Re America Services, Inc. Matching Gifts
QBE Insurance Matching Gifts & Employee Giving
Raytheon Technologies Matching Gifts &
Employee Giving
Stanley Black & Decker Matching Gift &
Employee Giving
Talcott Resolution Matching Gifts & Employee Giving
The Hartford Matching Gifts and
Employee Giving Program
The John G. Martin Foundation
The Saunders Foundation
Travelers Companies Matching Gifts and
Employee Giving
Verizon Matching Gifts and Employee Giving Program
This list represents commitments made within the last two years, as of 1/17/2025
The Hartford Symphony Orchestra is proud to be a participating organization in the Endow Hartford 21 Match Program presented by the Zachs Family Foundation
Endow Hartford 21 Supporters as of 1/17/2025
Bruce Barth & Pamela Yeomans Barth
Robert C. Bausmith & Jill M. Peters-Gee, M.D.
Jonathan Beck
Ms. Joanne E. Beers and
Mr. Earl Cree
Joanne Berger-Sweeney & Urs Berger
Wes & Joann Boyd
Ms. Valerie Bryan
John & Arlene Buckey
Mr. Joseph R. Carlson
Polly U. Champ
Ruth Ann C. Davis**
Gail & Barry Deutsch
Mr. & Mrs. John Dolan
Timothy & Janet Ellsworth
Anne C. Fitzgerald
Theodore and Sheila Fox
Anne Gares
Rona B. Gollob
Arnold C. Greenberg
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
Mr. & Mrs. Thad C. Hasbrouck
Neale & Carol Hauss**
Jerry & Barbara Hess*
Barnaby W. Horton & Hannah Granfield-Horton
Don & Joanne Huelsman
Mathew & Valerie Jasinski
Brook & Charlotte Jason**
Anne & George Kan
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Kleinman
Lois Koteen
Nancy & Jerry Lemega
S. Leong
Yuhong Li
Peggy & Alan Mendelson
Mary Lee Morrison
Sarah & Samuel Paul
Kristen Phillips & Matt Schreck
Scott & Beth Powell
Dr. Peter Prowda
James Reiner
Louis and Cheryl Saloom
Philip & Starr Sayres
Ruth & Howard Sovronsky
Andrew & Feather Spearman
Gary S. Starr & Leigh A. Newman
The Saunders Foundation
Betsy & Matthew Udal
Douglas & Mildred Unfried
Karen & Jeffrey Welch
Richard M. Wenner
Curtis & Joyce Weybright
Gary & Diane Whitney*
David & Phyllis Winer*
Ruth Woodford
The Zachs Family**
David & Sabine Zell