At its heart, The Shawshank Redemption is about a man who holds a tiny spark of humanity alive in himself against unimaginable odds. It’s about hope in its real form— the kind that is difficult, private, doubting, messy…and small. I have heard that it is a writer’s job to make awful things happen to their main characters so that the reader may see what they are made of. This story does that in every way.
Before we began rehearsals, the cast, crew and designers of this production went to Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary which was a maximum security prison from 1896 until 2009. It is now a museum, and we were given a tour by Randy, a former guard at Brushy, and George, a former Brushy inmate. The prison was built in one of the most beautiful valleys I’ve ever seen, and the inside of the prison is one of the darkest places I’ve even been. The juxtaposition of all that beauty and all that fear and pain is stunning. George told us about being switched to garbage duty during his last year in the prison, and, because he picked up the trash in the yard at night, he was able to see the stars for the first time since he arrived.
Hope, like stars, can only be seen in the presence of darkness. An image we’ve used in rehearsal is that Andy Dufresne has a Bic Lighter in his chest that he manages to keep lit despite every reason it should go out. It’s the same Bic we all have: the one that helps us get up when we don’t think we can get out of bed, the one that finds something to believe in when our world feels like it’s closing in. It’s the small daily flicks of that Bic that are truly heroic. We face down the darkness, one tiny, brave spark at a time.
- Katy Brown, Director of The Shawshank Redemption
Vince McGill*
Andy Dufresne
Sam McCalla*
Zacchaeus Kimbrell*
James Jiggetts
Jacob Nuti
Chris White
James Hendley
Bogs Diamond
Sean Maximo Campos*
Tyler Cramer
Michael Poisson*
Warden Stammas
Nicholas Piper*
Paris Bradstreet*
Tommy Williams
Garrett Summitt
*Denotes member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors, and Stage Managers in the United States.
Understudies never substitute for listed actors unless a specific announcement for the appearance is made at the time of the performance.
Katy Brown
Derek Smith
Costume Designer
Alice Sullivan
Lighting Designer
Andrew Morehouse
Sound Designer
Brandon Reed
Fight Choreographer/Captain
Sean Maximo Campos*
Intimacy Coordinator
Ashley Campos
Assistant Stage Manager
Brady Willis
Production Stage Manager
Megan Ward*
Producing Artistic Director of Barter Theatre
Katy Brown
*Denotes members of the Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors, and Stage Managers in the United States.
Chelsea Bannan - Dresser; Smith Theatre Wardrobe Supervisor
Natasha Carpenter - Production Assistant
EJ Freed - Production Assistant
Harper Fulmer - Gilliam Stage Electrician
Eli Hancock - Stagehand
Beks Knost - Gilliam Stage Assistant Wardrobe Supervisor
Emily Murray - Gilliam Stage Wardrobe Supervisor
Lizzie Komosa - Production Assistant
Savannah Spangler - Run Crew
Sarahgrace Triplett - Stagehand
Rebekah Williams - Run Crew
Samuel Wright - Gilliam Stage Carpenter