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Image for An Inspector Calls
An Inspector Calls
February 24 – March 11, 2023
Season 75!

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Join us as Boise Little Theater celebrates it’s Diamond Anniversary. This milestone season includes shows that will entrance you, disturb you, make you sing, make you laugh, make you cry, intrigue you, give you pause, amaze you, and make you want to bring a whole new generation to Boise Little Theater!

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About the Show
An Inspector Calls

by J.B. Priestly
Director – Bradley Campbell

Feb 24 – Mar 11, 2023
(Drama, Ages 13+)

Set in 1912, the play occurs in an English industrial city, where a young girl commits suicide and an eminently respectable British family is subject to a routine inquiry in connection with the death. An inspector calls to interrogate the family, and during the course of his questioning, all members of the group are implicated lightly or deeply in the girl’s undoing. The family, closely knit and friendly at the beginning of the evening, is shown up as selfish, self-centered or cowardly, its good humor turning to acid, and good fellowship to dislike, before the evening is over. The surprising revelation, however, is…