An Evening with David Sedaris
Saturday, October 8, 2022
The Purchase PAC 2022-2023 RE-Opening season begins tonight, October 8, with master of satire David Sedaris, bringing his signature acerbic humor, social commentary, and outlandish stories to the Concert Hall stage.
Sedaris is one of America’s pre-eminent humor writers, beloved for his personal essays and short stories. He will be reading from his latest essay collection, “Happy-Go-Lucky,” in which he once again captures what is most unexpected, hilarious, and poignant about recent upheavals, personal and public, and expresses in precise language both the misanthropy and desire for connection that drive us all. If we must live in interesting times, there is no one better to chronicle them than the incomparable David Sedaris.
Cindy House, essayist, short story writer, artist, and author of the critically acclaimed memoir Mother Noise will open the evening.
The reading will be followed by a book signing. Books will be available for sale on-site, thanks to our partners at Diane’s Books in Greenwich.