The Rob Mathes Holiday Concert
Friday, December 16, 2022
& Saturday, December 17, 2022
Hello Holiday Family and Friends,
We are here. We are back. What a few years it has been!!! I cannot tell you how good it feels to be on stage again. Live music is something never to be taken for granted again, both for the performers and the audience. You’ll notice some new faces this year. I will introduce everyone from the stage. I also discovered a new and wonderful charity, Food Rescue US - Fairfield County, to partner with in the years to come and have included some information regarding their work below. A number of local residents from the Greenwich and Stamford area volunteer for Food Rescue US and we raised a good amount of money for them last year with the online show. I love the cause and everyone there.
I guess the main thing I wanted to write this program note about is gratitude. Many in the choir and band have either had loved ones pass since our last concert, or have had loved ones suffering from various health issues, some extremely serious. It has been a fraught time, and so being together and playing music originally written to celebrate hope and light, innocence and grace, is itself a gift.
There is no Holiday Concert without you and your attendance is never assumed. I run into so many lovely individuals all year round who tell me in Starbucks how much they enjoy the concert. I say the same thing every time: “If you hadn’t been there, there would have been no concert.” That may seem like a cute statement, but in point of fact, it is true.
The song “William The Angel” was written early in the Christmas season of 1987. That is 35 years ago. The concerts began in 1993 and many of you have come EVERY year since!! The album “William The Angel” came years after in 1994 with its accompanying songs, “Wake Up, It’s Christmas Morning” and “When The Baby Grew Up,” among them the backbone of these concerts. Next year is the 30th anniversary of the release of “Heart of Hearts,” a record no longer in print. We’ll celebrate that next year by playing some of those songs, and perhaps making it available again in 2023, God willing.
Nothing is assumed. You, The Performing Arts Center at Purchase College and the Saints who help me put this on. All of it is one giant blessing. Merry Christmas. Happy Hanukkah and Happy Holidays!! THANK YOU!!!!
Band Members
Bass: Will Lee
Guitar: Billy Masters
Keyboards: Rick Knutsen
Percussion: Gunnar Olsen
Alto Sax: Aaron Heick
Tenor Sax: Brandon Wright
Bass Trombone: Jeff Nelson
Trombone: Mike Davis
Trumpet 1: Tony Kadleck
Trumpet 2: Jon Owens
Vocalists: Vaneese Thomas & James “D-Train” Williams
Choir of Saints & Friends
Choir Director: Dianne Ellis
Sopranos: Emily Alogna, Jenny Alogna, Sharon Alogna, Devon Coords, Mary Marcell, Emma Mathes, Janna Mathes, Lily Mathes, Sarah Mathes, Kathryn Mena, Lauren Mian, Katie Stallard
Altos: Kelley Alogna, Dianne Ellis, Cheryl Engelhardt, Brenda Jacobsen, Bonnie Kelley-Young, Charlotte Knutsen, Kati Mac, Valerie Maze-Keeney, Mickie Steier, Karen Walker, Karen Yancey, Lia Zavattaro
Tenors: Austin Alianiello, David Callahan, Tommy Coperine, Philip Dear, Jonathan Kantor, Dave Lefkin, Daniel Young
Basses: Darrell DeMakes, Mark Demmerle, Keith Dennis, Rich Mathes, Frank Russell, Michael Yancey, Rory Young
Stage Manager: Ray Dobson
Sound & Lights: Chris Greco & Rory Young
Marketing: Jenifer Howard
Video: Bob Conover
Photographer: Mark Most
This year's Rob Mathes Holiday Concert benefits Food Rescue US - Fairfield County, a nonprofit dedicated to eliminating hunger and food waste. In Fairfield County, it is estimated that 12.3% of people, including 15.5% of children, experienced food insecurity in 2021, and current inflation rates have left many families struggling to make ends meet. Through their proprietary app, Food Rescue US – Fairfield County engages 2,600 volunteers and 255 food donors to deliver nutritious excess food to 180 local social service agencies serving the food insecure. Since launching in 2011, they have provided 30+ million meals and prevented 41+ million pounds of food waste, distributing an average of 348,000 meals per month.
For every $1 donated during tonight’s show, Food Rescue US – Fairfield County will be able to provide 18 meals to those in need. Hunger doesn’t take a holiday, so please consider supporting our wonderful local partner!